It Is Time To Take Your Oath, New Zealand!

Thomas S. With few exceptions, the many wars and revolutions which have engulfed the world in recent centuries have been fought over the same campaign – namely the global ambitions of those who have sought to subjugate the world. And while many of the ideologies which these criminals have cloaked themselves with at various times … Read more

Why Cyclone Recovery Efforts Are Being Disrupted

Thomas S.   As the extent of the devastation in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle becomes known, New Zealanders from all corners of the nation have rolled up their sleeves and descended upon affected regions to assist those in need, while those unable to travel have donated funds and supplies. The official response and recovery … Read more

Weaponised Psychiatry is Still Used Everywhere

by Vince McLeod   Most people consider the mental health system to be part of the wider health system. This isn’t true at all. In reality, the mental health system is part of the criminal justice system. In the same way the political Establishment uses the Police, it also uses psychiatrists to destroy their enemies. … Read more


The Therapeutic Products Bill, put forward by Former Health Minister Andrew Little, is intended to replace the Medicines Act 1981 and the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985. If passed, this bill will lead to the destruction of our food and natural medicine supply. If you do not oppose this bill before the 5th of March, we’re … Read more


Photo – © Mary Hobbs.

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry as state as are the souls who live under tyranny. — President Thomas Jefferson All members of parliament who initially voted for this Bill are in the ‘hot seat’, for the eyes … Read more

Misogyny Killed The Horse?

We all know why curiosity killed the cat, but why would hypothetical misogyny make a horse bolt? Written by Brad Flutey. 25 January 2023 Parliament lawns are getting a hammering, first there was Mallard and his sprinklers and now a bolting horse.   Jacinda’s job is done, the second Neoliberal Revolution has completed the first-phase … Read more