INFORMATION AND DISINFORMATION – The New Zealand government continues to see itself as our single source of truth

by Mike Bee   Someone once said that any society that burns books will end up burning people. Book-burning is not widely practised today, and the focus of those who censor free speech has shifted to what takes place online. But the saying is nevertheless true, and we can extend it for our time by … Read more

A Grand Coalition Might Happen After The 2023 New Zealand General Election

by Vince McLeod   A recent Horizon Poll found that combined support for Labournational has now fallen to less than 61%, the lowest ever. Never before have Kiwis had less confidence in the two biggest parties. The electoral ramifications of this fall in support are major. The mathematics of building a ruling coalition are simple, but … Read more

Propaganda Analysis: The Disinformation Project’s Disinformation

by Vince McLeod The authors lament that “disinformation ecologies” are winning the battle for the public’s trust. At no point do they consider the obvious explanation for this: that the alternative media tells fewer lies.   Today we look at the aptly named Disinformation Project’s latest hit piece. The Disinformation Project, which can be accurately considered … Read more

As proof comes out and we see how Pfizer jabs are killing Kiwis, WHEN DO THE TRIALS FOR TREASON BEGIN?

by Mike Bee   Find this article on substack, Treason is defined on as “the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign” and by the Cambridge Dictionary as “showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies.” One of these definitions relates to treachery against … Read more

Liberal Western Culture Has Created a Frankenstein

By Guest Writer Olivia Pierson. If there’s a topic that bores me more than any other it’s the battle of the sexes. I don’t do feminism, girl-power, sisterhoods, women’s groups or any such thing where only women play leading roles. The flavour is simply not my tea-cup. So when Kellie-Jay Keen was about to come … Read more

The fragile state of TRUTH DENIALISM in New Zealand

by Mike Bee When Jacinda Ardern gave a speech in September 2022 at the United Nations, calling for censorship of views that conflict with the globalist narrative, she spoke of words as “weapons of war”. According to The Art of War by Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.” We are living in a … Read more


“You the people have the power – you just forgot how to play.”   by Mike Bee   I can remember the unique feeling of the moment when lockdowns began, 11.59pm, March 25th, 2020. Looking out over the empty streets and feeling acutely the knowledge that what was happening had nothing at all to do … Read more