Whose Baby Is It Anyway? The Ethics Of Child Upliftment

by Vince McLeod   The case of Baby Will has received international attention in recent weeks. Will needed heart surgery, and his parents, quite reasonably, requested that the surgeons use blood that did not contain a Covid vaccine. The logic of Will’s parents was that the Covid vaccines have not been adequately tested and therefore … Read more

Will Crimes Against Children Unite Humanity?

Thomas S.   Barely a century has passed since the Bolsheviks spread their Red Terror like a plague throughout Eastern Europe, overthrowing and murdering the Russian Tsar along with his family, and enslaving millions under the Soviet regime. Russia was at the epicenter of the wrath of the Bolsheviks for having thwarted the attempt to … Read more

Are (You) A Domestic Terrorist?

By Vince McLeod. 17 November 2022 The New Zealand Government took another leaf out of the authoritarian playbook recently. The NZ Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) published a guide for Kiwis keen to rat out one of their friends or neighbors for wrong-thinking. Titled ‘Know the signs – A guide for identifying signs of violent extremism‘, … Read more

Growing up in the Generation of Fear – Kiwi Schools now Conducting Terrorism Drills

Thomas S. As we are all becoming increasingly aware, the psychological impacts of the regime we have all endured over the past few years may be likened only to wartime in both scale and damage. From the families of the elderly who died alone in care homes during unnecessary lockdowns, to small business owners and … Read more

The Subversion Of Politics

Suppose you don’t believe in governance by the people and for the people, but everyone else does. Find a way to undermine their faith in it so you may benefit from the resulting concentration of power. By Brad Flutey 2 November 2022 Every Beehive has a Queen; who is this beehive’s Queen? The New Zealand … Read more

Antifa Auckland, The Modern Day Book-Burning Fascists!

29 October 2022 I was stunned recently by Antifa Auckland openly calling for Auckland Public Libraries to remove Alex Jones’ best selling book,  “The Great Reset”. In a “mask off” moment, the arrogance of these far-left censors was shown. They truly hate diverse ideas and want their opposition silenced, disposed of down the Orwellian memory-hole. These … Read more


By Jennifer Scott 23 October 2022 As Government departments and private corporations continue to push the ‘Trans Rights are Human Rights’ campaign, internationally and within New Zealand the red flags and the lack of safeguarding for Woman and children continue to be highlighted. On 16th September 2022 the MOH removed the term that Puberty Blockers … Read more

Pfizer Didn’t Test For Transmission, Vaccine Mandates Unjustified!

By Will Ryan 18 October 2022 The very premise and foundation of the historic action to mandate Covid “vaccines” was upon the assumption that they reduced transmission from one person to another and therefore constituted a positive “public health” measure. I say “assumption” of reduced transmission because there was never any evidence of such prior … Read more