26 August 2022 A sustained and orchestrated attack campaign has been waged by the state against ‘Counterspin Media’. The goal: to carefully construct a narrative for public consumption that paints ‘Counterspin’ in the worst way possible. It is our belief that the recent arrests of the Executive Producers and Hosts of ‘Counterspin’ [Kelvyn Alp and … Read more


EMERGENCY BROADCAST 14th AUGUST 2022 – 8PM  Sunday, 14th Aug 2022 View – Livestream Coverage from ~ 8pm: EMERGENCY BROADCAST TONIGHT 8PM  Share far and wide. The NZ media outlet Stuff has today released a documentary aimed at discrediting major players in the New Zealand truth community, including the people’s platform, Counterspin Media. This one hour … Read more

There is a firebug on Parliament grounds

There has been a small fire burning on Parliament grounds. Witnesses have claimed that the fire was intentionally started, by the police by upturning a generator or bbq. It has also been suggested that the cause of the fire was deliberate, and initiated by other parties with sinister intent. The fire later developed into a … Read more

Dictator Duck

Today the speaker of the house…. watched in glee as the families below including women and children were sprayed upon. He had directed the groundsman of parliament to turn on the sprinklers. This did not dampen the spirits of the FREEEDOM loving people on the grounds of their parliament. They quickly improvised using numerous traffic … Read more

Convoy 2022 NZ – Day 3

FREEDOM loving New Zealanders have had enough of a tyrannical rogue government hijacking their beautiful country and attempting to destroy their lives and deceptively force serious harm to their children and grandchildren. While the rogue New Zealand government continues to charge irrationally, hell bent in the opposite direction of many of the wise countries of … Read more

Convoy 2022 NZ

FREEDOM loving New Zealanders have had enough of a tyrannical rogue government hijacking their beautiful country and attempting to destroy their lives and deceptively force serious harm to their children and grandchildren. While the rogue New Zealand government continues to charge irrationally, hell bent in the opposite direction of many of the wise countries of … Read more