The Mother Of All Revelations – How long must we wait?

by Mike Bee I have a relative who is a high court judge, and, since the early days of the pandemic – when I so much wanted to wake up everyone around me to what was going on – I have sent him all kinds of reports, statistics, interviews and so forth relating to the … Read more


by Mike Bee Fact after fact rolled dryly and matter-of-factly off his lips. … A lone man in a sea of green, empty benches. It was a stunning sight…   I just happened to be awake around 3am Saturday morning (Friday afternoon in the U.K.) when Andrew Bridgen made his report to Parliament concerning excess … Read more

To all New Zealanders after the election

by Mike Bee I have supported Liz Gunn and New Zealand Loyal, but I have also lamented how the party system forces division onto the people. These words are not only to the supporters of NZL but to all Kiwis who love their country and reject tyranny.   When you read this, the New Zealand … Read more

Sue Grey Disciplinary Tribunal. The Verdict is In – What Can New Zealand Learn From It?

A follow-up to the article of July 27 that was called “The Tide is Turning and Sue Grey is Helping it to Turn” by Mike Bee When I wrote my account of the Sue Grey disciplinary tribunal of July 24, I finished it by saying, “I suppose it is possible that, despite all I have … Read more


by Mike Bee On Monday 24th July, I attended a one-day disciplinary tribunal set up to examine the conduct of lawyer Sue Grey – an enquiry as to whether anything she had done in connection with the covid response in New Zealand had breached her duties as a lawyer and “brought her profession into disrepute”. … Read more

As proof comes out and we see how Pfizer jabs are killing Kiwis, WHEN DO THE TRIALS FOR TREASON BEGIN?

by Mike Bee   Find this article on substack, Treason is defined on as “the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign” and by the Cambridge Dictionary as “showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies.” One of these definitions relates to treachery against … Read more

The fragile state of TRUTH DENIALISM in New Zealand

by Mike Bee When Jacinda Ardern gave a speech in September 2022 at the United Nations, calling for censorship of views that conflict with the globalist narrative, she spoke of words as “weapons of war”. According to The Art of War by Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.” We are living in a … Read more

Whose Baby Is It Anyway? The Ethics Of Child Upliftment

by Vince McLeod   The case of Baby Will has received international attention in recent weeks. Will needed heart surgery, and his parents, quite reasonably, requested that the surgeons use blood that did not contain a Covid vaccine. The logic of Will’s parents was that the Covid vaccines have not been adequately tested and therefore … Read more


Written by Mike Bee The right of parents to refuse for their child blood they believe could be contaminated by the Pfizer vaccine is being challenged in a case in Auckland involving a four-month old baby who needs open-heart surgery. In New Zealand – if mainstream news is to be believed – the Pfizer vaccination, … Read more