Trump’s Inauguration. Some say it will be: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!”
by Mike Bee
The daily countdown to Trump’s Inauguration is almost over. Warnings of terror attacks, from dirty bombs to swarms of drones, have so far not come to pass. The weather is predicted to be abysmally cold, and, with a view to the danger of hyperthermia to spectators, the event has been moved to an indoor location. With luck, we can expect it to go ahead, but, knowing the stakes, every day is something of a trial for those who have looked into the evil that afflicts us and believe that Trump’s inauguration will be a key marking-stone in a colossal, ongoing struggle for world domination.
No one knows for certain what Trump will do when he is President. I have spent time recently following the arguments of both anti- and pro-Trumpers. David Icke is my representative of the anti brigade, and Brian Cates the one I’ve picked in this article to give some reasons to trust Trump. In this article, I will quote from each of these two commentators.
Icke’s hypotheses must be taken seriously. For one thing, he has been a lone voice pointing to the truth of what is happening for a great many years and has been proved right on many issues. He was one of the first to show clearly how the October 7th event last year when Hamas crossed the border into Israel, beginning the spiral of violence that has wracked the Middle East of late, was a false-flag operation set up by the Israeli army.
His arguments concerning Trump are compelling in many ways. He looks critically at Elon Musk who changed the state of the game fundamentally when his acquisition of Twitter allowed many conservative voices to be heard uncensored for the first time. But Musk has major questions hanging over him and Icke points to the influence he seems to be exerting on Trump. Trump has already granted favours to Musk in the latter’s vision of the future – a vision that involves vast flotillas of low-lying satellites, self-driving cars, mass-produced robots and iniquitous Artificial Intelligence.
These are all symptoms of Musk’s fundamental desire to combine man and machine – the great goal of the globalists. Musk, says Icke, is working for the New World Order with its desire for total control of human life on earth. And Trump still sings his own praises as the one who saved millions of lives through speeding up the pharmaceutical companies to bring out their so-called vaccine, despite clear and unequivocal evidence that this “cure” has claimed millions of lives and caused millions of serious adverse effects worldwide.
These objections can’t easily be brushed away, and yet they do not adequately address the confusingly ambiguous nature of Trump who is able to use people in certain roles without losing his independence, getting rid of them when they have lost their usefulness. Also, real pro-Trumpers – the kind who are not going solely on the feel-good factor of Trump on a roll in front of his supporters but who look deeply into the nature of what they see as a counter-insurgency operation against the Deep State that has been planned and executed over many years – know they must question everything. We are in the final stages of a great struggle, the real pro-Trumpers will say, and this is a time when nothing is as it seems. The individual calling himself Elon Musk is not at all the same as the one who founded Tesla and comes from an illuminati family. He, like many others, is playing a role.
This present part of the struggle, the pro-Trumpers will say, is full of fake posturing on both sides and is taking place mainly for the benefit of those who have not woken up to the nature of the Deep State and the evil it is willing upon the earth.
Icke replies to this that Trump is obviously a globalist puppet and is merely ending a few token abuses such as the scam of the Green New Deal and illegal immigration across the US southern border in order to unleash on the world much more fundamental goals that are part of the New World Order’s key objectives. Anyone, says Icke, who is fooled by such obvious falsehood is a naive idiot who deserves to be scammed. And Trump, Musk and RFK Jnr, according to him, are doing exactly that.
In my opinion, no side can prove conclusively their beliefs. We wait – not just for the inauguration but for what will happen after. The sceptics say that nothing will happen of any great note, and the world will continue to slide into totalitarianism. The MAGA supporters look with impatience at what will happen when such people as Trump’s pick for Attorney General, Pam Bondi, and his choice for head of the FBI, Kash Patel, are confirmed and start their work to deal with the illegality that has gone on for years in American politics. They expect the incisive action that will be happening in America will give rise to similar dramatic take-down events globally.
In support of their optimism, some of the worst villains of the battle against MAGA, such as “water-melon head” Adam Schiff, are obviously panicking in their desperate attempts to put up last-minute roadblocks and stop the inevitable. And Hillary Clinton herself didn’t look too happy at Jimmy Carter’s funeral! Those who have committed treason around the world are seriously terrified at what seems to be coming towards them.
As a Trump-supporter since 2017, I can counter all Icke’s arguments to my own satisfaction but have come to realise that I can’t change the mind of anyone else of the opposite persuasion. Like the rest, I wait for the “proof of the pudding”. Words such as the following by SGAnon, seem common-sense to me but misguided and naive to those who are already convinced that Trump is a billionaire Deep Stater who is only pretending to support the people. SG gave the following summary of his views a few days ago:
Patriots have been in control of the important parts of this game-board for a long time – we are just better chess players. But chess does take time. And when you’ve got an opponent that has played the game a long time, that understands how to rig it, that knows a couple of truly good or organic original moves, it makes a lot of sense why things have gone about as they have.
We had to exhaust them; we had to outlast them; we had to drag out every faction, every deep state shadow compartment and segment and compartmented section that has been out there in the world, making trouble for we the people. …
As we look at the landscape now … we’re in the endgame – these are the last few moves. They know who’s going to win and so do we, so it is simply a matter of outlasting them to the very end. At the end of this, one side is going to rise and one side is going to fall, and the falling side will not be we the people.
SG bases his conviction on having watched a long battle being played out – a battle that began well before the 2016 election that Trump won. I’ve written about the countering of the Deep State’s Sixteen Year Plan before, and to me everything is explained when one follows its key ideas. The Deep State meant to impose their tyranny in stages – eight years of Obama and eight years of Hillary Clinton – during which time the world would be wracked by nuclear war, food shortages, disease and totalitarian control of the individual’s every move. By the year 2024 the major battles would be won and the world’s population would have shrunk considerably. Upon a world population cowering in defeat, the goals of the World Economic Forum could be imposed.
Trump obliterated this plan by unrigging the 2016 election which Hillary believed she could not lose. Knowing the enormous depth of the Deep State’s resources, set up over decades, he could not impose his will on the situation immediately, as mainstream media still controlled the airwaves, corrupt judges controlled the courts and both Republican and Democrat parties contained politicians who were working for the same anti-human agenda. To have shown his hand too early would have given rise to a bloody civil war. Instead, Trump followed a military counter-plan that had been drawn up years in advance that would gradually weaken the Deep State’s position. Elements of this plan, given in the form of socratic questioning designed to arouse the reader to a deeper penetration of reality, were leaked to the public in the intelligence reports of one who was called “Q” and known by the media as “QAnon”.
In the original Deep State plan, the covid “vaccine” was meant to be the knock-out blow that would be inflicted after years of gradual attack and diminishment of resources that would cripple free individuals. Trump brought this forward to a time in which people could still stand up against it and subject it to informed scrutiny. And in many ways he demolished the Deep State fortress globally. Those who wished to impose their tyranny on the world were exposed as would never have happened in a time of world chaos.
Biden was not at all the real Biden – the resident not the president – and Trump remained Commander in Chief of the armed services. The main battle became for the minds of the people. The last “Trump card” could not be played until a vast majority of the people had come to understand the evil they were up against.
The 2025 inauguration will not be a time of total victory, for there is still so much that needs to be done in a world that has suffered treason and corruption for decades, but one of the first things we should see is that many of those who were said to be untouchable will receive real justice. Kash Patel, Pam Bondi and others will be unleashed, but nothing will happen without clear evidence of the crimes of traitors being given to the people in a form they cannot dispute. And at that time, those who doubted “the Plan” can join with those who for a long time have followed it and been mocked and ridiculed for doing so.
Whether one holds to such a view as this or to the ideas of David Icke, seems to be a matter of faith. To find support for my own convictions, I looked at a recent video by Brian Cates. The central idea of his hypothesis is that, “The only way you defeat a powerful or compelling vision is with an even stronger and more compelling idea or vision.”
Trump has created this alternative reality outside of what was programmed into people. His detractors fail to understand the way in which people have been jolted into understanding how they have been abused by the Deep State. Yes, Q was a psychological operation, but it was, in the words of Amy Benjemin, “a benevolent psy-op”, targeting people’s understanding of what is really going on. The globalist’s world order was based on keeping people asleep. The Great Awakening is a reality because people have been jolted out of their ignorance and are no longer fooled by globalist propaganda. People’s eyes have been opened through learning all kinds of things they were not meant to know, and once awake to these things there is no going back. If the globalists still had the control that some people say they do, then all that has happened over the last few years could never have happened.
Trump gives a rally the day before the inauguration. What will he say? The whole world will be watching. The globalists’ matrix is gone – the lies they have relied on for so many years don’t work anymore. Will Trump start to bring real clarity on the evil that has now been exposed as illusions evaporate and people confront truth with no illusions?
Yes, say the supporters of Trump. This conviction is based on realities that they assert can be seen everywhere if one has the will to look. The last twelve years have set up the greatest sting operation in recorded history. It will be Biblical and nothing can stop what is coming — nothing.
No, say his detractors. Trump is working for a new global techno-feudalism and has never been for the people. The new boss is nothing but another version of the old boss.
Look to Trump’s inauguration on 21st January (NZ time) for clues as to who is right.
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