Propaganda Analysis: The Disinformation Project’s Disinformation

by Vince McLeod The authors lament that “disinformation ecologies” are winning the battle for the public’s trust. At no point do they consider the obvious explanation for this: that the alternative media tells fewer lies.   Today we look at the aptly named Disinformation Project’s latest hit piece. The Disinformation Project, which can be accurately considered … Read more


By guest writer Kathryn Olsen. Find this article on substack. Charles Wilfred Singleton Olsen. Born 24 June 1923 at home in Mt Eden Auckland. Lived in Greenhithe during his early childhood. He had happy memories of his grandparents’ home in Fairmount. They were orchardists. His own parents, Harold and Violet Olsen built a home they … Read more

It Is Inevitable That New Zealand Will Join The Australian Federation

by Vince McLeod Find this article on Substack. Many New Zealanders were pleased by the recent news that Kiwis living in Australia will be able to apply for citizenship after four years. This marks a significant change from the status quo, under which a Kiwi could live in Australia for 20 years without being able to … Read more

Liberal Western Culture Has Created a Frankenstein

By Guest Writer Olivia Pierson. If there’s a topic that bores me more than any other it’s the battle of the sexes. I don’t do feminism, girl-power, sisterhoods, women’s groups or any such thing where only women play leading roles. The flavour is simply not my tea-cup. So when Kellie-Jay Keen was about to come … Read more

Want Free Speech In New Zealand? Better Cultivate Your Capacity For Violence

by Vince McLeod Find this article on substack. When Posie Parker tried to speak at Albert Park on Saturday, and was attacked and silenced by a frenzied mob of far-left extremists, a dark and cold wave washed through the nation. Many Kiwis, lost in the blissful ignorance for which our country is renown, had little … Read more


Thomas S. Find this article on substack Despite the mainstream media’s defamation and disinformation campaign, hundreds of men and women nonetheless gathered in Albert Park in Auckland today to hear the voice of women’s rights campaigner Posie Parker. The Marxist radicals however, were also out in full force to drown out the voices of ordinary … Read more