Our Whistle-Blower Has Been Arrested. It’s Time We All Blew Our Whistles Just As Loud As We Can!

by Mike Bee The reaction of the authorities to Liz Gunn’s whistle-blower’s data more or less proves their guilt. If they were at all worried about the health of the people in this nation, wouldn’t they have looked in a concerned way at the data to see if it were true? But no, first thing … Read more

The Mother Of All Revelations – How long must we wait?

by Mike Bee I have a relative who is a high court judge, and, since the early days of the pandemic – when I so much wanted to wake up everyone around me to what was going on – I have sent him all kinds of reports, statistics, interviews and so forth relating to the … Read more


by Mike Bee Fact after fact rolled dryly and matter-of-factly off his lips. … A lone man in a sea of green, empty benches. It was a stunning sight…   I just happened to be awake around 3am Saturday morning (Friday afternoon in the U.K.) when Andrew Bridgen made his report to Parliament concerning excess … Read more

Decolonisation In Practice: A Historical Perspective

by Vince McLeod Find this article on Substack. It’s common to hear demands nowadays for something called “decolonisation”. Apparently colonisation was the worst thing that ever happened to the peoples of the New World, and justice cannot be served until it is reversed. The media, educational and political machinery of the West is fully behind … Read more

The fragile state of TRUTH DENIALISM in New Zealand

by Mike Bee When Jacinda Ardern gave a speech in September 2022 at the United Nations, calling for censorship of views that conflict with the globalist narrative, she spoke of words as “weapons of war”. According to The Art of War by Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.” We are living in a … Read more

Why Cyclone Recovery Efforts Are Being Disrupted

Thomas S.   As the extent of the devastation in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle becomes known, New Zealanders from all corners of the nation have rolled up their sleeves and descended upon affected regions to assist those in need, while those unable to travel have donated funds and supplies. The official response and recovery … Read more