Want Free Speech In New Zealand? Better Cultivate Your Capacity For Violence

by Vince McLeod Find this article on substack. When Posie Parker tried to speak at Albert Park on Saturday, and was attacked and silenced by a frenzied mob of far-left extremists, a dark and cold wave washed through the nation. Many Kiwis, lost in the blissful ignorance for which our country is renown, had little … Read more

George Floyd – the Myth of a Martyr

Thomas S. The death of George Floyd while in police custody on the 25th May 2020 outside of a convenience store in Minneapolis was the catalyst for the Western Cultural Revolution that never came to be. Footage of monuments being desecrated were televised worldwide, while looters and rioters from the ranks of Antifa and Black … Read more

Antifa Auckland, The Modern Day Book-Burning Fascists!

29 October 2022 I was stunned recently by Antifa Auckland openly calling for Auckland Public Libraries to remove Alex Jones’ best selling book,  “The Great Reset”. In a “mask off” moment, the arrogance of these far-left censors was shown. They truly hate diverse ideas and want their opposition silenced, disposed of down the Orwellian memory-hole. These … Read more