by guest-writer Chrissie Cunningham
On Saturday, 16th November, events took place around the country to commemorate RED REMEMBRANCE DAY – the day in 2021 that vaccine mandates were introduced into this country. These commemorations were organized by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, and many speakers gave their unique perspective on what vaccine mandates meant to them – doctors, nurses, the jab-injured and those who had lost jobs, homes, family and friends.
This is one speech from the event in Auckland that took place at Aotea Square. Chrissie Cunningham spoke on behalf of her group that has been meeting weekly for the past year and a half, doing what they could to keep the memory alive of the shameful events of three years ago. The signs each one held were of the face of someone who has been killed or injured by the substance falsely called a vaccine. These signs, made by Lynda Wharton, were visible at the Parliament protests and have been seen by thousands. [Lynda Wharton’s work on behalf of The Health Forum NZ can be seen at thehealthforumnz.co.nz.]
In her speech, Chrissy gives a unique perspective into how she is witnessing the attitudes of ordinary Kiwis in process of change.
Truth can be blocked by propaganda only for a time; eventually, it makes its way through into universal recognition. Around the world, that appears to be happening now.
This is Chrissy’s speech, delivered in front of the statue of Mayor Robbie at Aotea Square, Queen St, Auckland, to about a hundred people. (MB, editor).
Hi Everyone, my name is Chrissie Cunningham.
A dedicated group of us representing the Health Forum has been standing every week in Auckland for the past sixteen months. We stand with the signs, bringing attention to the plight of the vaccine-injured in our country.
When I asked Lynda Wharton whether we could borrow the signs last year, she was delighted. She asked that we strictly adhere to the Health Forum’s code of conduct: standing in silent vigil, no political slogans or clothing and no responding to detractors – the latter of which has been character-building, to say the least!
Our first time out in July last year was outside Stuff News in Ponsonby, where we were met with outrage and hostility. At times, we have been called liars and fantasists – and even accused of being murderers – the logic of which I have never been able to grasp. The “safe and effective” programming runs deep.
Nevertheless, we carried on, week after week, in the cold, the wind and the rain, often being abused by those still believing the official narrative. Despite this, we wanted to press on with our message: that the so-called “vaccine” was doing harm – including to the people we know and love. I myself have lost five friends within my personal sphere – all jabbed, of course.
Many have been permanently injured, and some have died. From the many conversations I have had over the last three years, I suspect that this number runs into the tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands. We wonder why CARM stopped publishing their vaccine adverse effects report in mid 2022 when over 64,000 people had registered their harms.
We have stood outside hospitals, ACC, Downtown Auckland, shopping centres, court cases and news agencies – including three times outside TVNZ where staff completely ignore us and scurry past, heads down. And outside pharmacies who have made huge profits – sometimes running into the millions – from administering this jab. Interestingly, we have had the most hostile response from pharmacists – who have even called the police on us!
Over the last sixteen months, we have seen a sea-change in public attitude. The tide began to turn towards the end of last year, with people thanking us for telling the truth and sharing with us their own vaccine injuries or those of their family and friends. We now have about a 90% positive response rate – and on the odd occasion, even 100% – which makes a very welcome change from the negative 90% when we first set out. More often than not, we get the thumbs up, friendly waves and toots on car horns. This is a HUGE turn around.
The awareness that we create should not be underestimated. You never know how far the word will ripple out from that one pebble thrown in the pond. We have spotted onlookers taking photos of the signs, perhaps to post on social media, and texting and telling their friends that we are out and about with our critical message.
Over the last year and a half, our pool of willing participants has grown from 10 to 70 people, with a core group of 15 to 20 of us who stand regularly, week-in and week-out. Some have joined our team via Facebook or Telegram chat groups, and some have asked to join us by seeing us out on the streets. It is heart-warming to know that so many of us care. There is great camaraderie within the group, and we have made steadfast friends. Thanks to Doreen & Brian and their daughter, Nicola, for hosting our social events.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to those of you who stand regularly on behalf of the Forum. Special thanks to Doreen & Brian, Len & Yolanda, Kathryn & Michael, Trudi and Pien who have been with us consistently since the very beginning. Thanks also to Coral, Shirley and Tracie who have been consistent with their presence since joining the group. You give your time generously and willingly, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
A special shout out to Yolanda who visits pharmacies with the Health Forum leaflets, politely and gently informing them of the vaccine harm – and also for the work she does with the vaccine injury support groups. It is sad to hear that these victims of vaccine harm are often disbelieved – or shut down so as not to offend those who would rather not know what they might have done to themselves.
Huge thanks to Tanya Unkovich, who is the only MP standing up in parliament for the vaccine-injured. Hopefully, the Covid Response Enquiry will be a thorough investigation and not the white-wash we have seen in other countries. Hopefully, we won’t need to stand out on the streets all of next year too!
Thanks to NZDSOS, the miniscule minority of doctors who have the courage to stand up and speak out, often facing punishment and ridicule from the rest of your profession. And thank you to anyone who has had to sacrifice their jobs, their homes or their friends for standing up for what is right.
And of course, massive thanks to Lynda Wharton and her team at the Health Forum for doing their incredibly important work, endlessly logging vaccine injuries and fatalities where the authorities have fallen short. What an amazing legacy you will leave behind!
And to our wonderful team: thank you for your time, your efforts and your generosity. I’m sure when we look back in years to come, we will look back with pride.
Thank you.
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