WHAT’S HAPPENING TO TRUMP? I was starting to get a good feeling from him, but now I’m not so sure…
by Mike Bee
Trump’s recent praise of tech oligarch billionaires who wish to create gene therapy vaccinations using AI is disconcerting to some who had trusted him to this point.
It is a mark of civilized people that they are able to hold two contradictory ideas at the same time, and Mike Bee has put, one after the other, the opinions of two writers regarding what is going on. The writers are named mb1 and mb2, and they have very different ideas from each other on the subject…
If anyone has been so foolish as to still carry hopes that the second four-year reign of Donal Trump was about to bring blessings to humanity, the last few days should have dealt a death blow to that person’s naive and misguided optimism. Donal Trump is an egotist – perhaps the greatest egotist the world has ever seen – and he is in politics for one person only – himself.
When he took his oath of office at midday on 20th January, the front few rows were full of his billionaire buddies. Many of these people, leeches constantly sucking at the face of humanity, had opposed him in the past but had come round to be supporters when they sensed the new spigots of incredible wealth that Trump was about to open for them.
Their gain is, of course, to the detriment of all of us “real people” – the 99.9%, whether we are a part of MAGA or Trump’s opponents. We are less than pawns in his disgusting game of “five-D chess” – a game which has always been rigged against us. Trust the Plan – yeah, right!
Trump began increasing his wealth from the first few minutes of his reign. He had created a “Trump coin” that brought him several billion dollars for doing nothing at all but raising his right hand and saying a few words – no doubt with the fingers of his left hand firmly crossed inside his pocket.
There was a flurry of activity to continue to dupe supporters that he was a person who kept his promises. Actions such as releasing the JFK, MLK and RFK files, releasing the J6 prisoners, and proclaiming two genders were crumbs thrown to his base to keep them happy for a little longer – actions done for show similar to a magician who wants you to look one way while the real sleight of hand is being done somewhere else. All the while, Trump’s focus was on his own bank balance and on the power that he was amassing for himself and for his billionaire buddies.
In his first press conference in the White House, Trump revealed what it was that was driving him. He has concocted a scheme to bring investment into the country. Was this investment to build schools or roads or hospitals? No, it was to create gigantic centres for the storage of data.
Data centres! These are the places where every known fact about every person in the world will be held. Was this what his MAGA base had been wanting?
The reason for why data centres need to be increased in such a massive scale was also revealed. Trump was giving the opportunity to some of his most repulsive billionaire friends to develop a “vaccine” that, using AI, would be able to take hold of the genetic sequences of the DNA in the blood of every living person and, in minutes, cure them of any disease that they were facing.
Hailed as something of great benefit to humanity, it is patently clear to anyone with a couple of sparking brain cells how destructive such technology really is. Gene therapy ignores all the complexities of the human organism. Predictably, its “cures” turn out to have terrible side-effects. We have already seen how the use of mRNA vaccines killed millions. But those drugs will look like weak lemonade-shandy next to what is coming if Trump has his way.
It is not hard to see that if central government holds in its data centres all your personal details and all the vital codes of your DNA, that gives central government incredible, unlimited power. If they can claim to heal you with a personalised vaccine, that vaccine can also be personalised in such a way as to kill you. Anyone who thinks central government wouldn’t do this has slept through the last years of history. Depopulation is one of the chief aims of the techno-fascists of the New World Order, and this new technology gives them everything they could ever dream of. This is technological fascism at its most extreme. Instead of putting limits on the fascists’ power, Trump has provided dictators throughout the world with the tools they need to hold the people down in the dirt for hundreds of years. All very predictable to some, but a terrible awakening for others.
Religious people talk of “the mark of the beast” of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13 – a sign that every person is required to have on head or hand before he can buy or sell in the new kingdom of the Antichrist. “Head” or “hand” means his thinking is controlled as are all of his daily activities. Only a small part of the heart is left free, but this has already been attacked and forced to conform to the will of the beast who is destined to rule over the entire world. There will no doubt be many thousands of broken hearts amidst the optimists and former MAGA supporters as they gradually come to understand what deviousness and betrayal has been done to them.
AI is the new ruler of the world, the Antichrist itself, and Donald Trump has revealed himself as the facilitator of this system of the beast. What a colossal victory he has won against common sense!
When he addressed the World Economic Forum a short while ago, the scale of his victory was apparent to all. He did not condemn the influencers of this group of élitists as many were certain he would. Rather he showed that the New World Order they espoused was about to take a huge step forward. Chatting with the other billionaire CEO’s, whom he addressed on a first-name basis, Trump invited them to join his techno-revolution where all values have been made subservient to economic power. If he had been there in person, they would have been queuing up in their hundreds to push wads of cash into his fat hands and reserve their spot in the new order of the world. And what he has done in the US will surely be rolled out very soon in all other countries. Wherever you are, watch out for your own best agricultural land being confiscated to be used for a data centre!
Donald Trump campaigned on the basis of providing freedom for the average citizen. Instead he has crashed the prison-gates shut on all our hopes and dreams for a dignified and free existence. He has betrayed all his followers, and all one can say is that they were so naive that they deserve it.
Donald Trump is the arch-enabler of the New World Order, the one who sets up the reign of the Anti-Christ and the destroyer of all hope for humanity.
Donald Trump plays five-D chess with his opponents, sets traps for them, and is always several moves ahead. He is the visible head of a military operation that has planned for many years to destroy the Deep State – that shadowy entity composed of the ruling families of the earth and those who knowingly and unknowingly do their bidding.
The recent storm over Trump having invited Oracle’s Larry Ellison and Open A.I.’s Sam Altman to develop personalised “vaccines” is a great example of the Trump modus operandi. Many MAGA supporters and others understand the evil that the tech oligarchs have employed against the American people. Their anti-free speech censorship has been revealed, and the harmful consequences of the covid jabs is being disclosed more and more with every passing day, and yet the enormity of what those in positions of high authority have been aiming at in their activities has not yet penetrated the American consciousness. Trump is running a brilliant sting operation to put two of these tech oligarchs centre-stage so that their evil intentions can be revealed to the masses.
Trump praises Larry Ellison and invites him to give his vision of the medical benefits of AI when used in conjunction with gene technology. The presentation is seen by millions. But we the people are not asleep now. Almost immediately, there appears a presentation called, The inventor of mRNA technology, Robert Malone, issues a dire warning to President Trump concerning proposals made by the Stargate Project. People who have never paid much attention to these things now begin to talk about them.
Trump never had any intention of allowing the creators of Stargate to carry out their schemes, but he understood very well that the general public needed to be educated about these people and their intentions. Asking Larry Ellison and Sam Altman to appear beside him, selling their pitch, was a brilliant move of the kind that he has done many times before.
Larry Ellison gave his vision of what was coming:
Once we gene-sequence [a particular] cancer tumour, we can then vaccinate the person and design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer. And you can make that mRNA vaccine robotically using AI in about 48 hours. So imagine early cancer detection, the development of a cancer vaccine for your particular cancer, aimed at you…
Gene therapy linked to AI is arguably the greatest threat known to humanity, yet most human beings are still asleep to the peril that is so close to them. President Trump has just given people a big jolt of awareness. As people talk about it, even the name acts as an awakener. The original Stargate was a black-budget operation of the CIA aiming at new developments in psychic warfare.
Laura Aboli has been working overtime recently to understand Trump’s logic. She quotes a post made on X by the Patriot Voice and observes that X is now full of such comments:
@RealDonaldTrump respectfully, We The People reject EVERY ASPECT of this “Stargate” project and the players involved.
This is NOT what we voted for and in fact it is the OPPOSITE.
I will absolutely continue to be loud about how dangerous and foolish this is, as we should all be.
And Larry Ellison’s other statements came into focus – his aim to build a vast network of surveillance cameras linked by AI so that everything can be seen and recorded, and “Everyone will be on their best behaviour.”
Such tracking and influencing of public behaviour is wanted by very few outside of the circle of the tech oligarchs and politicians who can profit from it. The whole issue has suddenly entered into the awareness of millions, and people wake up to what is being imposed upon us – a complete surveillance state in which total control over the people is placed in the hands of the technocrats.
Along with the exposure of Ellison, Sam Altman of Open AI was also called out. He is at present being sued by his sister for long-term sexual abuse. Did Trump know this before he brought Altman into the limelight? Of course. And Elon Musk weighed in on the way Altman is not at all altruistic in his AI system but, after testifying to Congress that he would take no gain from it, has now engineered that he is the owner of a couple of billion dollars in shares from the company.
This recent event is just a continuation of a long operation to destroy the Deep State. This is only the most recent chapter in many moves and counter-moves. Some of us have watched this play out over years and have the benefit of the intelligence dropped by the military operatives known as “Q” which in many ways set out in advance what was going to happen. We have become used to Trump’s strategies and perceive them quicker than others who do not yet see how single acts are a part of the whole operation.
Long military planning put Trump at the head of his country when it became obvious that the 2024 election was “too big to rig”. Now, just as the Deep State are not going to accept defeat but will fight back in every possible way, Trump is not going to suspend th ongoing operations that he and others are waging against them. Recent days since his Inauguration are giving us a new taste of the enormity of Trump’s victory and the despair and panic of his opponents.
Trump and the military planners who support him have been aware for years of the activity of that shadowy group of figures who were aiming to control the world through their “New World Order”. They use the military techniques of Sun Tzu to create strategies over long periods of time, and those strategies are showing their success now. The Deep State has been defeated, but the war against them will continue until the people who have been brainwashed for decades can break free of the matrix they have been placed into, stand up to the institutions that are conspiring against them and take hold of their lives as free, sovereign individuals.
The plan for a counter-revolution against those who had infiltrated the free world is taking place in a world where none of the western countries are sovereign states. USA has not been a republic since 1871 when it was essentially sold off to pay for war-debts, and the other five-eyes countries of Canada, Australia and New Zealand were all territories owned and controlled by the entity known as the British “Crown”. (Our own New Zealand broke from this in 1986 when David Lange seized power and proclaimed itself as “the Crown” while never explaining what had happened to the New Zealand people.) They are all illegal corporations, not nations, and their heads of state are essentially no more than the chairman of the board.
The first task of the military operation Trump is participating in has been to change this state of affairs. Trump did this on his “victory tour” during the first year of his presidency. Remember when Queen Elizabeth II broke all protocol by signalling to him to walk in front of her when inspecting the troops? It was a sign of the capitulation that she had made.
Canada, Australia and New Zealand have never been independent nations. The global military alliance has conducted operations that have removed the illegitimate power of the oppressors, but we shall now have to earn the right to independence. In New Zealand, as in Canada and Australia, military rule shall hold sway for a time until we can organize elections of a very different quality from those of the past.
This is the background to what is happening today. On one level, the world has been saved. However, this is not a salvation that allows us now to become passive spectators. We have been given the chance to create for the first time a free nation, and the first task, still to be done, is to see that a large majority of the people understand the machinations of the global cabal that have been waged against them. There is much to be done, but for taking us to this point we can thank President Donald Trump and the military alliance that has been working with him as their Commander in Chief.
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