by Mike Bee
In New Zealand, where we are very much subject to the propaganda of the left, Donald Trump is not a popular figure among “ordinary” Kiwis. But among those who challenge the orthodox narrative, he is also denigrated by many and regarded as being just another American billionaire, no different from any of the other selfish billionaires who pit their talents and resources against the public’s welfare.
Because, back in 2017, I had access to information that was completely at odds with this orthodox view and gave a very different picture of what was happening then, I have never fallen for the orange-man-bad belief. Recently, I’ve felt the need to keep quiet against so many who believe it is idiocy to challenge their dogma that Trump is no different from all the rest. But a lot is changing now, and I expect this to pick up speed. It feels to me as if this is the time to risk being called naive by some and to openly make the case for the very big benefits that are about to come – not only to America but throughout the world – through the Trump presidency that is every day getting closer.
Those who disagree with me are welcome to their opinion, and what I write will probably not change their minds. But it can be viewed as a statement of my belief today and checked for accuracy in future. I may be wrong, but I believe my view will be proven correct through what is about to happen during the remainder of 2024 and the first part of 2025.
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Some months ago, I began writing an article on this topic which I was not able to finish. I began by gathering up the main arguments against Trump and his people – those things that to many in the truth and freedom movements are undeniable “facts” so that if you reject any one of them you prove to the world that you are unable to think rationally. Here are what I consider to be the most common arguments of those who see nothing good in Trump:
(1) No one is going to save us; we must save ourselves;
(2) Trump started Operation Warp Speed; he is a criminal with blood on his hands;
(3) Trump is compromised – he is owned by Rothschilds (who once bailed him out of a debt of $1 billion) – and he associates with other billionaires, Jews and shadowy figures such as Peter Thiel who are working behind the scenes;
(4) People who think that Trump is not compromised have been brainwashed;
(5) Trump’s mission against the deep state was first popularised by Q (Q-Anon), however nothing that Q predicted has ever happened and no attention should be paid to it;
(6) Q is a psychological operation – a psy-op – set up by sinister deep state powers in order to stop people rebelling and to get intel on those who oppose the globalist agenda;
(7) All pro-Trump rhetoric is a distraction – there is no difference between the two main parties in the 2024 election. Having people obsess on this election is a trick that takes the spotlight away from those who are working on anti-human technology and the New World Order so that nefarious, anti-human goals can be sprung upon us when we can no longer resist.
I dealt with these objections one by one in that article. I could still produce what I wrote then, however I’ve decided instead to launch in with the narrative that I believe is true about Donald Trump and who he is working for. It is essentially the narrative put forward by Q from October 2017, and by giving it in a summarised form, others will be able to consider it for themselves and come to their own conclusions about the seven assertions above and whether they are right or wrong.
Naturally, I reject the simplistic elements of the Trump story – that he found himself competing against Hilary Clinton almost by accident but was intelligent enough to realise that the situation he was in after his election victory could be used to his own advantage. I will begin my attempt to create a truer account of what is really behind Trump by referring to what Q called “the sixteen-year plan”.
The sixteen-year plan is the narrative that Hilary was never meant to lose the 2016 election and what would have happened if she had won. We were meant to have eight years of Obama followed by eight years of Clinton. After Obama had seriously weakened America from 2008 to 2016, Hilary’s presidency would have finished things off and also brought many other parts of the world towards destruction. There would have been considerable chaos and world war – either between Ukraine and Russia or between China and Taiwan or the US and North Korea or with various countries in the Middle East – followed up by famine, monetary breakdown and pandemic. America would have been decimated, and a new world order could have been put into place with its headquarters, as originally envisioned in the Nineteenth Century, at Jerusalem. By the end of 2024, the world population would have been significantly reduced – possibly to as few as half a billion – and there would be essentially no resistance to the rulership of the élite globalists who stood at the top of the world-pyramid.
As we know, this did not happen. Even though Hilary had everything rigged and was certain she could not lose, Trump won the election in 2016. The narrative told by Q is that various operatives in the US Military (“white hats”) had managed to remove the Democrat mechanisms of cheating so that the election result was actually as the people wanted. The sixteen-year plan had to be shelved and other plans hastily concocted to reduce the damage that Trump could cause.
But Trump was also running his own plan – something dreamt up much earlier by others. At the time of the assassination of JFK there had been a group of generals who understood how a coup had been carried out against the American people. These generals were not content to allow evil to rule at the highest levels and vowed to work towards a counter-insurgency that would oppose the nefarious aims of those who had killed JFK and who were then working towards full world-domination.
It is a long time between 1963, when Kennedy was assassinated, and 2016, and perhaps we may never know the names of some of these original members who came together with this goal in mind. Over 63 years, they kept something alive, and JFK’s son, John Kennedy Junior, was one of those who was persuaded to join them. He trained as a lawyer and considered entering the contest to become a Senator for New York State in 2000. The one who actually took this seat was Hillary Clinton.
JFK Jr died when his light plane came down in the sea as it was coming in to land at Martha’s Vineyard. His wife and his wife’s sister perished with him. There were many anomalies about the crash, and many felt that Kennedy Jr had been taken out so that Hillary Clinton could claim her seat in the Senate. (Some said that JFK Jr was aware of the sabotage done to his plane beforehand and that the plane was not piloted by him but by another who was equipped with a parachute and that JFK Jr then went into hiding and played a key role in the anti-deep state operation. This may or may not be true, but the Q narrative is not dependent on this, and the story can be continued with us assuming that he really is dead.)
One of JFK Jr’s best friends was Donald Trump, and the death of his good friend was a major factor – so the narrative goes – in Trump dedicating the rest of his life to revenge his friend’s murder. Trump promised the generals who approached him that he would cooperate with them and become the public face of the counter-insurgency operation that they were planning.
During those next years – 2000 to 2016 – Trump maneuvered himself into position. Outwardly he was a successful property-developer and TV star, but behind this, a secret mission was being prepared. Trump made connections with many prominent people – the good and the bad. Getting into debt and being bailed out by the Rothschild financial empire can be seen today in this light as a good tactical move, making them think he was another “paid for” billionaire who was in their pocket, when actually he was part of a plan to eliminate them.
Trump won that 2016 election and, when they had got over their shock, the deep state went into damage control.
In many ways, Trump was a distraction in the great struggle. He was an actor, playing a very serious role in an extraordinary battle against world-evil. His abrasive side helped draw attention away from those doing significant work behind the scenes. Constant criticism in the media, that would have destroyed anyone else, seemed to have no effect on him. He was “the mean tweeter” who told things the way he saw them, but he was all the time an actor, playing a role in a very serious world-drama in which the future of humanity was at stake.
In his first term, Trump had to make many compromises and take on people he knew to be far from desirable. It was not possible for him to end the reign of the deep state in just four years; they were simply too powerful in too many positions in the military, politics, business, law and the media. But Trump took some very serious steps against them and, in the following eight years – those years that under Hilary were meant to see the destruction of the US – numerous successful operations were conducted. There are too many to recount in full in a short article, but what was done reduced the fire-power of those who were scheming against America and helped many Americans wake up to the truth of the ”war” that was being waged against them.
That Trump and his closest companions are working in the spirit of JFK, was indicated by Q when he wrote in one of his posts that, to prepare them for the day to come, they say the following prayer to JFK every day in which they are at the White House:
“Rest in peace, Mr President, through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world.
We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK – Secret Societies.
Where we go one, we go all.
(10th February, 2018)
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Trump broke the trust of many when he appeared to welcome and support the creation of a genetic therapy, falsely called a vaccine, that took many lives. We do not know the full story, but those who have insight have opined that the deep state’s plan had been to keep people in lock-down mode for many years so that many would have died from what resulted from that and that Trump sabotaged their plan by bringing the vaccines forward in time. Trump never made the vaccines compulsory and said all he could say about other cures such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, but the media machine programmed against him was too powerful at that time, even for him. He has continued to say until fairly recently that the vaccines have “saved millions of lives”, and people find this to be incredibly stupid. But if you consider that bringing vaccines forward may have saved millions from starvation, sickness and war, Trump’s statement may actually have some validity. Time will tell.
Trump’s election loss in 2020 shocked many who believed in him. Undoubtedly, there was widespread cheating from the Democrats, and many expected this to be revealed and the result to be overturned. One of Q’s statements was, “In the end, the military is the only way.” Many Trump supporters expected that this military would play a role in overturning the election. However, Trump, though he may have had the majority of votes at that election, was not universally supported, and any conflict over the election results would have spilled over into a civil war that those working with him were anxious at all costs to avoid. The four years of Biden rule became part of the plan. In this time, many things took place behind the scenes, and the country was shown first-hand what it could expect from a contemporary deep state government.
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The US counter-insurgency operation, sometimes called “the Plan”, now nears a decisive moment. From the deep state’s perspective, Trump must not be allowed to win the 2024 election. If he does, key figures who have cooperated with the deep state against the people over decades know that their crimes will be revealed and that they will be sent to prison for a long time. They are fighting for survival and are desperate enough to do anything if it will help them to avoid the fate of discovery and capture.
One of Q’s most important statements is that, “This is not just another four-year election.” Another temporary victory against the deep state, similar to what happened in 2016, does not serve the purposes of the generals who set the JFK plan into motion. Trump must win resoundingly in a way that makes it clear to all that rulership by bad actors on the left and on the right who have been working against the best interest of the people is now over. The power of the deep state needs to be defeated for at least a hundred years.
To get an idea of what is about to happen, we can go back to the signficant words of Trump’s 2017 address at his inauguration.
“For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
“That all changes, starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment; it belongs to you. … What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. … We are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you the people.
“Our nation is in decline. Our Enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. They know that. But they’re not coming after me they’re coming after you, and I’m just standing in their way. That’s all I’m doing. I’m standing in their way.”
Fake polls quoted in the media tend to show that the election will be close, however polls done by more reliable sources such as Rasmussen show Trump is well ahead of Harris, as do the odds of various gambling operators. Trump has declared that his aim was to make the 2024 election “too big to rig”, so that it would be impossible for the Democrats to come up with enough fraudulent ballot papers to give them the majority.
However, if we know anything from the past it is that the deep state is never going to roll over meekly and concede defeat. They undoubtedly have many tricks up their sleeve and have given indications recently that they will see to it that the election result will be delayed. In that time of delay, expect many things that could happen – world war, monetary collapse, communication shutdowns, cyber-attacks and even another pandemic. Chaos is what is wanted, for it can act as a cover to conceal an election defeat. One possible scenario is that this election will be declared null and void by the courts and that the US Military will supervise counting in another with old-fashioned hand-counting replacing the electronic vote-counting machines, many of which are pre-programmed for fraud.
The full picture of what has been going on is far more complex than this brief account can ever give. The whole story has been given the name of The Great Awakening – something that is first and foremost a spiritual war. Trump and his white hats have all the evidence of crimes that could convict the deep state. They have delayed acting because they wanted this to be a genuine awakening of the people. People awaken to the existence of evil in the world they thought they knew at different times and react to their new knowledge in many different ways. Some are discouraged by the enormity of what is against them, and some try to hold on to what has worked in their favour until this moment, but others struggle to gain awareness of the enormous forces that fighting for humanity in this great spiritual war and can themselves be moved to great feats of courage and endurance.
It is true that no one is arriving to save us. Especially here in New Zealand, so much needs to be done to break the power of those who promote a vision of society that leads to destruction and who have taken the country more and more to the left. They have had things their own way for decades. But what is lacking in this country can be seen against the background of a deeper struggle in which good powers have never been completely absent. If we in New Zealand are able to rouse ourselves from the great lethargy that has overtaken us, we shall find that we are not alone and that assistance will come to us. Nothing, however, will come if we do not make the first move ourselves.
What difference will Trump winning the US election make to us in New Zealand? It will be a signal that the tides have turned and that evil can be defeated. This country has been used in the past as a kind of laboratory or testing-ground for what the deep state and the advocates of the New World Order want to bring about in other parts of the world. In many ways we have felt helpless and have been compliant to their wishes. If Trump wins the 2024 election that can all change, and New Zealand can become the place we feel it to be when we listen to what is present in our hearts.
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Sunday - November 3, 2024 - Uncategorized
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