by Mike Bee
As the anniversary of October 7th approaches, there is a need for clarity concerning what is happening today at the Gaza Strip. Mike Bee looks at a film made by the Dutch film-maker David Sorensen.
Some days ago, Piers Morgan arranged for an interview to take place between Candace Owens and Rabbi Shmuley, two prominent personalities who have maintained a bitter feud with each other for two years concerning the actions of the state of Israel. Shmuley is a personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and, though he claims in the interview to argue with his good friend over many things, is a spokesman for Israel’s justification in doing what it is doing in the world today, including its actions in Gaza.
Owens takes issue with the killing going on in Gaza. Right now, she is facing the situation that she may not be able to get a visa for a planned tour of Australia because of people labelling her views “anti-Semitic” and says she is prepared to forfeit her trip if that is the cost of her exercising her free speech in condemning Israeli war crimes.
A teaser at the opening of the interview makes clear the diametrically opposing positions of the two:
Candace Owens: “People can see and hear evil, and what you are doing right now is an act of evil.”
Rabbi Shmuley: “You have the Jewish community beginning to call her not Candace Owens but Candace Ovens.”
Each is given a chance to make their position clear at the start. Candace Owens is the second speaker, and I shall quote from her statement because it is much clearer than the other’s:
Prior to October 7th, I don’t think many people were engaged with what is happening in Israel. We kind of all said the same thing – that Israel is our friend and ally. I count myself among those people.
Post October 7th, the world – and especially, I would say, Zionists and media – were demanding that we all pay attention, and when we began to pay attention, we didn’t like what we saw.
You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. You can’t get me to feel comfortable as a Christian with the amount of explosives – more tons of explosives dropped on Gaza than were dropped in Hiroshima. This doesn’t make sense to me. Gaza is 30 miles long, seven miles wide, it’s incredibly dense in population and … 40,000 Palestinians have been murdered.
Rabbi Shmuley’s rebuttal of that was firstly over the truthfulness of what Candace had said about Hiroshima, but with Piers’ intervention she changed this to the statement that more bombs have been dropped in Gaza than in Dresden in World War II and even did a quick fact-check of this on her laptop. (70,000 tons of explosives have been dropped on the Gaza Strip compared to 2,700 tons dropped on Dresden). The Rabbi retaliated that the Dresden raids were in a single night, whereas Gaza was spread over eleven months of war. He justified Israeli actions by asserting that the casualty rate – armed combatants to civilians – was, by the statistics the Israeli government uses, much less than other wars (four times less than the Korean War and half as much as the Iraq War) and then went into the classic argument used to justify Israel’s actions as being a necessary defence after the horrors of Hamas’ murder of civilians in October 7th.
There was a lot of rhetoric in this debate, each speaker unloading their truth on the other with little common ground being forged. What I heard reminded me of what I see happening all around the world today – including on the Counterspin chat – where people argue passionately on both sides of this issue, each certain of the rightness of their view. The Israeli side feels justified in doing what it is doing because of the October 7th atrocities that caused them to begin the campaign in the first place and because Israel has a need to defend itself from future attacks, while those supporting Hamas and the people of Palestine look at what is happening in Gaza, and the number of dead Palestinian children in particular and call this an absolutely disproportionate and unacceptable response.
We need to have a closer look at the idea that Israel is justified in doing what it did because of the atrocities committed by Hamas. With the anniversary of October 7th less than a month away, it is necessary to dig deeper into what actually happened on that fateful day.
David Sorensen’s film, The Mystery of Israel, where the director takes a deeper look into the causes of the conflict, starts with the events of October 7th. The first thing he makes clear, giving numerous examples, is that there is a great deal of proof that the Hamas incursion into Israel was a setup. In the film, a number of military and ex-military people explain how 400 armed Hamas terrorists crossing the border was absolutely impossible under normal circumstances. As one former IDF soldier says, “A pigeon or a stork that approaches the border immediately alerts all the forces in the sector,” while another states that, “A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering the alerts. There is no way they didn’t see 400 men with tractors come.”
Many strange events combine to make the circumstances of the attack deeply suspicious. On the day of the attack, 60 to 80% of Israel’s military deployment in Gaza was inexplicably missing. The film shows footage released by Hamas of their border raid. There is no sign of retaliation from the IDF. You see vehicles going over the border full of armed men and not a sign of anyone attempting to stop them. It is as if Israel is giving Hamas a free pass for the day to do whatever they want.
David Icke made an earlier video concerning these events, and his film included the testimony of some of the female soldiers who were monitoring security at the wall at the time. These guards reported all that was happening in the build-up to the invasion only to be ignored by the military authorities they were reporting to. With the IDF making no attempt to come to their aid, most of them were killed at their posts.
Both films also report on the strange silence of the media who were ordered not to give any suggestion to the public about what was happening until twelve hours had passed. Icke also uncovered evidence that it was the IDF who did much of the killing of their own people and that the atrocities of Hamas were greatly exaggerated for propaganda purposes.
As a former Israeli soldier stated in the Sorensen film on the day these things happened, “This surprise attack seems like a planned operation on all fronts. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say this feels like the work of the deep state.”
Israel has the strongest army in the Middle East, and its border wall with the Gaza Strip is one of the most heavily armed borders in the world. All these layers of protection were taken away on October 7th, and Hamas was simply allowed to do what they did unchallenged. David Sorensen opines that, “Something very nefarious was going on – a criminal operation at the highest level. What was its purpose?”
As a first answer to this question, he shows a letter sent to Prime Minister Netanyahu by the leaders of parties within the Israeli governing coalition. This letter shows that these leaders are demanding from him an immediate invasion into Gaza and a complete seizing of control of that whole area that belonged for decades to the Gazan people.
All these events and many others force us to confront the probability that the Hamas incursion was a false flag operation, set up to give Israel justification to invade Palestine. There is also the following fact: that less than two weeks before Israel launched its attack, Netanyahu showed a map at the General Assembly of the United Nations of what he called “the New Middle East”. In this map, the Palestinian regions have been completely removed.
In recent decades we have been shown a number of false-flag operations, and people are becoming wise to how they work. Some group wants to commit a horrendous crime but doesn’t want to be blamed for it, so set up an event that allows them to shift the blame onto some other group. In this case, Israel gave Hamas a free pass to enter its territory in order to create the narrative they required – that Hamas terrorists are “animals”, and Israel is only defending itself from their unprovoked aggression. The Israeli Defense Minister made clear his intentions at the beginning of the campaign when he stated that, “We are fighting human animals, and we will behave accordingly.” This was his justification for cutting supplies of water, food, electricity and medicine to the region, along with starting the campaign of bombing.
With the aid of that false-flag operation, Israel felt it had the right to do something which it had wanted to do for decades – begin to annihilate people living in the Gaza Strip.
Sorensen then shows a clip from former Senator Ron Paul who gives proof that Hamas was set up by Israel because the Israelis needed this organization to counter Yassa Arafat. That such situations are often practised in the shady world of international relations is confirmed in the film by former international financier, Ronald Bernard, who testifies how money often flows between groups that are supposedly diametrically opposed to each other.
Deeper than this, Sorensen examines the events which led to the formation of Israel in 1948. It is a historical fact that the major role was played by members of the Rothschild financial dynasty. Working from the City of London, the Rothschilds, whose worth was estimated a year ago at US$20 trillion, are like a giant octopus whose reach extends to all places on the earth. They are the owners of Blackrock and Vanguard and are major sponsors of the World Economic Forum. Sorensen shows how members of the Rothschild family have blatantly and unashamedly been members of a cult that can be called satanic or luciferian.
Back in the Nineteenth Century, the Rothschilds saw a need for Israel as a future centre of operations in the world order that they envisaged. The movement known as Zionism had not yet appeared, but the Rothschilds made plans for such a phenomenon well beforehand, imagining back then their future one-world government with its headquarters in Jerusalem.
To have their future land accepted by the world, they knew they would need the support of Christians everywhere, and Sorensen uncovers how they asked a convicted fraudster, Cyrus Scofield, to create for them something that would serve their dark purposes. What he created and popularized was the Scofield Study Bible with hundreds of footnotes. This Bible predicted the coming of a new militarily strong Israel. When this nation appeared, so Scofield’s notes stated, it would be a sign that the world was approaching the fulfilment of the prophesy that Christ would return to Earth. Christians all over the Western world were taken in by this fake Bible, never dreaming that it was all a great psychological operation against them, funded by satanists.
Sorensen shows how a militarily strong Israel is a total distortion of the promise made by God to Abraham to become the leader of a new people. Abraham, formerly called Abram, was identified by God as a virtuous man at a time when the majority of people practised child-sacrifice and satanism, and God told him that he would lead a new kind of people whose task it would be to reject the devil-worship around them and live lives in service of the Divine. Abraham was not given any particular parcel of physical land but something more significant – a spiritual homeland.
The Old Testament chronicles the many errors made by the Jewish people who had great difficulty in grasping this concept. It was stated in even greater clarity by Christ in His words, “My kingdom is not of this world,” and, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.”
Even among those around Christ, very few were able to understand this radical idea. Judas Iscariot turned Jesus over to the Romans in the belief that this would precipitate the start of a revolt against foreign invaders and then watched in horror as his Master made absolutely no attempt to fight back against those who put Him to death.
Those who look for an earthly realm or to any “chosen people” are only repeating the error of Judas and all those who advocated at the time for Jesus to be crucified. The aims of Zionism – and the violent invasion of Palestine that arises out of this – clearly have no justification in the Torah and represent a very deep reversal of the true meaning of the Bible.
What does it mean to be Jewish? More and more information is coming out about the “Ashkanazi Jews” who, living in the region of present-day Ukraine, converted to Judaism in 900 AD and whose ancestors, it is said, are those like the Rothschilds who are at the heart of many of the most evil tendencies in the world today. Those who genuinely practise the Torah and the principles of Abraham will have no fanatical passions for a greater Israel. Many Jews make this distinction between their own religion and Zionism and call the Zionists the enemy of the Jewish people. One example of this can be seen in these scenes nine years ago from New York City. Those who wish to know more about what is being revealed concerning the Ashkanazi Jews can learn a great deal in just eleven minutes by watching the short film, The Rise and Fall of the Khazars by Nick Alvear or by reading this article by Preston James and Mike Harris.
Sorensen suggests we look deeply into the intentions of those who espouse the aims of Zionism and ask whether they are genetically “Jews” or are using this as a convenient smokescreen to hide behind. He spends some time covering this but does not go as far as other studies.
A recent peer-reviewed study of genetic research concluded that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA and are therefore not Semites at all and have no ancient links in their blood to Palestine. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and are, thus, the real Semites with an ancient blood tie to the Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian land. It is these Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.
In an interview with Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), Sorensen disclosed that he is at present working on a second film. Perhaps he will look deeper there into the origins of those in the Israeli government and in prominent positions throughout the world who are supporters of the Zionist creed. Asking questions about them in our time can bring the wrath of cancel culture down upon one, as Candace Owens is experiencing in Australia, but it is important to see that many people in leading positions in the world and who call themselves Jews are not real representatives of the Jewish people. I once made a statement on the Counterspin chat that Zionists are the real anti-Semites of this world and was mocked by some for saying this, but it is factually true, and we must look beyond the superficial use of words to come to truths deeper than mere popular opinion.
So, if people phrase any debate about Gaza in terms of a question of who is right, Hamas or Israel, this is, of course, a fake dichotomy. Hamas is not “right”, being the creation of the Israeli Defense Forces, and the IDF is not right with so much blood on their hands. The Israeli government is not right, for it is the instigator of terrible crimes. The only ones that we can say are in the right are those who are suffering – both the Palestinian and Israeli people.
At the start of September this year, half a million people came out into the streets of Tel Aviv demanding the return of the hostages, but in July almost as many had been there to contest the judicial reforms promoted by Netanyahu’s coalition government. Millions of Israelis want an end to the tyrannical government that is responsible for so much injustice, including the latest war. They want peace, and their government doesn’t mean to give it to them.
Like many other places in the world, the people of Israel can be released from oppression only through the fall of their country’s corrupt leaders. They are calling for a wresting of power away from Netanyahu and the hard-core Zionist parties that support his coalition government.
I shall give the last word to Candace Owens in her debate with Rabbi Shmuley. As a response to him quoting the Bible to her, she said the following:
Here is what I would like to say to you, Rabbi, since you are quoting scripture. The one that’s relevant to me is, “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil – that put darkness for light and light for darkness.”
And if you’d like to dive into a little more scripture, I think what’s relevant is Revelations, 3:9: “Behold I will make them that say they are of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews but do lie,…” and I’m speaking directly to you, Rabbi Shmuley!
Not all Jews are Zionists. Those who oppose the grim aims of Netanyahu’s map of the new Middle East, the people who desire peace, suffer in the same way that people of many other nations suffer. Fighters for truth and freedom around the world can find common cause with them – along with all peace-loving people of Palestine – and reject the belligerent philosophy of Zionism.
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