Thomas S.
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The Kurukshetra War, which embroiled much of the Indian subcontinent, has been dated by scholars as having taken place between three and five thousand years ago in the modern-day state of Haryana, India. The political intrigues surrounding this conflict, as well as the battle itself, have been immortalised in the epic poem known as the Mahabharata.
While the Mahabharata is regarded as one of India’s great literary treasures and is often likened to Homer’s Odyssey or the Iliad, it is the philosophical discourse contained within the text, which is the jewel of India’s wisdom. This discourse, known as the Bhagavad-Gita, divulges the principles of timeless mysticism. However, it is the battlefield context of these occult teachings, as well as their application in overcoming weaknesses of the mind, that make them especially relevant today.
After all, as Flynn and Cutler have noted in ‘The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare’:
Your mind in 5GW is the cognitive battlespace where shadowy governments aim to achieve decision dominance. The critical nature of defence of your mind at the individual level cannot be understated.
Indeed, the manipulation of the public mind is a primary objective for the globalist powers. By programming the terrain of the cognitive battlespace in their favour, a combatant is able to predict and dominate the moves of the opposing party. And in the case of fifth generation warfare, where the general populace find themselves on the frontlines, decision dominance is easily achieved by the enemy, so long as the masses fail to realise that they are at war.
In reality, the cognitive battlespace has been dominated for a very long time. As Edward Bernays, the Father of Public Relations and nephew of Sigmund Freud, wrote nearly a century ago in his 1928 book ‘Propaganda’:
No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and cliches and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.
Indeed, vast sums of money have been spent researching the manipulation of public opinion, much of which is directed at weaponising information during the process of cognition in order to direct and control narratives. As such, the mainstream media has been a formidable tool in sculpting the terrain of the cognitive arena. In fact, the very etymological definition of the word ‘entertainment’ is to enter into and take hold of the mind.
But if we are to defend ourselves against intrusions as these, we would do well to comprehend the nature of the mind and our position in relation to it. In this regard, the Vedic and Puranic texts, such as the Mahabharata, give a thorough description of our metaphysical anatomy, wherein the terrain of the cognitive battlespace is situated.
In Sanskrit, the material body – both psychic and physical, is known as ‘yantra’, which can also be translated as ‘machine’. In other words, the physical body is an intricate piece of organic machinery, while the mind is firmware. And just as cyber warfare exists to exploit the digital terrain in order to secure a broader set of advantages, so similarly, psychological warfare exists to hack the collective minds of the public in order to manipulate key outcomes.
According to the ancient Sanskrit texts of India, the mind exists beyond the neurological confines of the brain and is one component of the astral or psychic body, along with the intelligence and the ego. The physical body on the other hand is comprised of senses – both for acquiring sensory information, as well as the performance of actions. The mind is the hub of these senses and its primary function is the acceptance and rejection of varieties of sensory engagement.
Higher than the mind is the intelligence, of which the primary functions are determination, discrimination and conception. Higher still is the ego, which is the subtlest of all the material elements and which is the interface through which the soul perceives the realm of material existence. It is the adhesive property which binds the self within the various layers of astral and physical elements. The resultant association of the self with the material body and mind is somewhat similar to that of a virtual reality experience – but for the soul.
The mind, which contemplates varieties of sensory engagement, is inherently vulnerable if left unprotected by the faculties of the intelligence. And intelligence, with the features of discrimination, determination and conception, is sharpened and purified by knowledge. As such, the best of warriors on both sides of the Kurukshetra War, were also mystics who understood the advantages of a disciplined mind and the pursuit of higher knowledge.
Today, if we are to deny the globalist powers the tactical privileges that they have enjoyed thus far, then every one of us must take responsibility for defending own own quarter of the cognitive battlespace, as well as that of those who depend on us.
But in order to achieve critical mass in the state of awakening in our nation’s collective consciousness, we must proactively front up to the challenge of purifying ourselves and sharpening the dullness which has persisted for too long. After all, as the Bhagavad-Gita teaches:
A disciplined mind is the best of allies, whereas the undisciplined mind is the worst of enemies.
And so the question remains:
Will you front up to the challenge, or will you continue to allow the enemy to take the upper hand and to dominate you within your own mind?
Monday - May 8, 2023 - Culture Wars
(66) - Politics
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