Thomas S.
The moral degradation of New Zealand continues this month, with ‘Safe Spaces’ for abortion clinics set to come into effect on the 25th August, in line with the ‘Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion (Safe Areas) Amendment Act (2022)’. The Act was passed in March of last year, just weeks prior to Comrade Ardern’s exit from Parliament.
The passing of this legislation was a final act of treason by the former Prime Minster, who as we all know, also pushed through the Abortion Legislation Act (2020) in early 2020, at a time when the nation was distracted by the onset of the fake pandemic. Ever since, the culling of unborn Kiwis right up until birth has been taking place legally, whenever morally bankrupt health practitioners have deemed it to be ‘clinically appropriate’ to do so.
According to the Act, a qualified health practitioner must consult at least one other qualified practitioner and consider the woman’s physical and mental health, as well as her overall wellbeing, when judging whether it is clinically appropriate to facilitate a late-term abortion. The gestational age of the fetus as well as legal, professional and ethical standards must also be considered.
That being said, the Act still allows for abortion for any reason, including the termination of disabled children or where parents desire a sex-selective pregnancy. There is also no legal requirement in the Act to provide pain relief or medical support for a child being aborted, or for one who survives an abortion procedure.
According to nonprofit organisation BLM (Both Lives Matter) “most Kiwis are supportive of abortion being available in some circumstances”. Yet according to independent polling by Family First NZ, 94% of Kiwi women oppose sex-selective abortion being legal, while only 2% of Kiwi women support abortion being available up until birth.
According to an annual report published by the Ministry of Health in 2021, 13,246 abortions were performed in New Zealand in 2020. The report also claims that 18.6% (nearly one fifth) of known pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) were aborted in the same year. 60% of these abortions were provided for women under the age of thirty and 55% were accessed after eight weeks of gestation.
In other words, what would have once been considered unthinkable in our grandmothers’ generation, has today become commonplace, with social engineering having convinced modern women that an unwanted child is nothing more than a tumor. Indeed, many women today believe that the legalisation of pre-natal infanticide has been a milestone for women’s rights and is something to be celebrated.
Interestingly, however, the recently overturned Roe vs. Wade case in 1973 has highlighted inconsistencies with the Supreme Court ruling which federally legalised abortions in the United States. Jane Roe, whose real name was Norma McCorvey, was a plaintiff involved in a lawsuit against Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County, Texas. Her case was built around claims of her constitutional rights to an abortion procedure. Ironically, however, McCorvey never had an abortion and her child was given up for adoption.
Furthermore, McCorvey had a religious epiphany in the mid-nineties, was baptised and became a pro-life activist, fighting against the very abomination she had helped facilitate decades earlier. And in 2017 McCorvey revealed to director Nick Sweeney during the filming of a documentary on the issue, her “deathbed confession” that she had never actually supported the abortion movement.
According to McCorvey, “I took their money and they put me out in front of the camera and told me what to say, and that’s what I’d say.” When asked if it was all just an act, McCorvey confirmed, “Yeah,” and that, “I was good at it, too”. McCorvey passed away soon afterwards.
The revelation that the abortion movement in the United States has been manipulated by money-wielding political interests should give New Zealanders pause for thought about the degree of social engineering that our own nation has been subjected to on the very same issue.
Concerned citizens and nonprofit organisations who seek to inform and educate the public on the wider perspectives surrounding the issue, or who wish to stand in peaceful protest against these crimes against children, however, could soon be facing arrest and potential fines of up to $1000 if they do so within 150 meters of a soon-to-be established ‘Safe Area’.
Continuing the legacy of former dictator Comrade Ardern, Cabinet have already approved six of these ‘Safe Areas’, with the potential for more to be created in the future by approval of the Governor General, by Order in Council as per recommendations from the Minister of Health in collaboration with the Minister of Justice.
According to the Ministry of Health, the initial ‘Safe Areas’ coming in to effect later this month are:
- Auckland Medical Aid Centre (AMAC)
- Epsom Day Unit, Greenlane Clinical Centre
- Te Mahoe Unit, Wellington Regional Hospital
- Te Nikau, Grey Hospital and Health Centre, Greymouth Hospital
- Gynaecology Procedure Unit (GPU) and Christchurch Women’s Hospital, Christchurch Hospital
- Dunedin Hospital
Those seeking intervention from a potential National-Act coalition government after the general election later this year are sure to be disappointed, however. In an interview with Jack Tame in June, National Party leader Christopher Luxon confirmed that he would resign if access to abortion is restricted by a government he leads.
According to Labour-Lite Luxon: “those laws have been settled, they’re not changing under my government and frankly, they’re not what New Zealanders are interested in right now.” Meanwhile, Act Party Leader David Seymour was a vocal supporter of Comrade Ardern’s abortion legislation, although he has spoken out against the creation of ‘Safe Zones’, commenting that: “People that want to start banning speech in a particular area for, I agree a noble purpose, should think very carefully about the precedent that it sets.”
Later this year, voters will have the opportunity during the general election to show the menagerie on both sides of the House of Representatives that their weakness on the issue of crimes against children in New Zealand is unacceptable and that their negligence has not gone unnoticed.
And in the meantime, patriots wanting to earn their stripes have until Friday of next week, the 25th August, to defile the sanctity of these sacrificial arenas to Moloch with peaceful protests and educational activities for the public.
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Thursday - August 17, 2023 - Culture Wars
(65) - New Zealand
(118) - NZ Government
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