Episode 80: BAD BLOOD – Before Will, there was Alex

In this episode we feature the story of Montana mother, Cornelia Hertzler and her new born baby boy Alexander who died days after receiving unauthorized vaxxed blood transfusion.

Liz Gunn, from Free NZ, interviews Cornelia in the second half of this episode.

But first we do an update on the baby Will story that has gone global this week. Sue Grey, the family’s lawyer discusses the latest news in the battle between the NZ Government trying to get guardianship of the 4-month-old who desperately needs life-saving heart surgery. For safety reasons his parents want unvaccinated blood, however the NZ Blood and Organ Service is refusing to allow the 20+ direct donors that have been organised to give their blood despite many being already approved by the blood bank. We can’t let the government force the same fate as Alex upon Will.

Joydah Mae’s song “Power of the Will” features at the end. For more from Joydah see:


Support the legal case: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SueGreyLawyer

Support Will’s wellbing: https://www.buymeacoffe.com/savebabywill

Support Free NZ: https://freenz.org.nz

Support Counterspin Media: https://counterspinmedia.com

Contact the NZ Blood & Organ Service:

0800 448 325