‘Operation Trust’ or ‘Trust the Plan’?
by Thomas S.
Popular culture has drawn much from the Cold War over the last half-century, with novels and films frequently dabbling in themes of the cloak and dagger, espionage and sleuths inspired by Soviet-Western relations.
One of the most intriguing counter-intelligence operations associated with the Soviet Union however, took place decades before the Cold War, in the years immediately following the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II and the enslavement of the Russian people under the doctrine of communism.
This initiative, which was known as ‘Operatsiya Trest’ or ‘Operation Trust’, was established by the infamous Cheka, the Soviet secret police, and was directed at counter-revolutionaries and monarchists who sought to overthrow the Bolsheviks and reclaim the nation from the regime.
Much like the fictitious character O’Brien and the underground resistance known as the ‘Brotherhood’ of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, Operation Trust was a controlled opposition project, instigated by the Bolshevik government in order to identify dissidents and undermine opposition efforts.
To achieve these ends, the project involved the creation of a fake resistance organisation called the ‘Monarchist Union of Central Russia’, while the front company for the initiative was called the ‘Moscow Municipal Credit Association’.
Not only did the illusion of a large-scale resistance movement effectively snare patriots on the home soil, but it also enticed those who had fled abroad and who were conducting resistance efforts from relative safety, to return to Russia, where they could be dealt with and often executed.
The project capitalised on the anger and willingness to fight of the remnants of the genuine resistance after the Civil War, drawing them in with false hope, trapping them and neutralising them before they ever became a threat to Lenin’s reign of terror.
So elaborate was this plan, which built upon existing, genuine resistance networks, that even clandestine border crossings into Soviet territory by patriots who had been duped by Operation Trust, took place in full awareness of the regime, which facilitated these crossings with intelligence personnel who were embedded within border security forces.
Even a top-tier resistance fighter such as Alexander Kutepov, who had been an Officer in the Imperial Russian Army and who later volunteered his services to fight against the communists, was effectively neutralised in his efforts by Operation Trust, after being convinced to wait for the development of resistance forces within the border, before undertaking his own decisive actions against the regime.
Similar initiatives such as ‘Maki Mirage’ were also employed by the Soviets against the Japanese in East Asian territories, both during the inter-war period as well as during the Second World War, proving that the deception had a tried-and-true methodology in snaring opponents of the worldwide communist revolution.
With this in mind, it would be wise to acknowledge that similar techniques have almost certainly been deployed against those who are actively resisting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the globalist objective of undermining the sovereignty of individual nations.
Take for instance the discovery during legal proceedings against Henry Enrique Tarrio, the former national chairman of the ‘Proud Boys’ organisation, that a document entitled ‘1776 Returns’, which detailed strategic plans for an attack on the U.S. Capitol and which was used as evidence against him, had actually been created by Samuel Armes, who was a trained FBI and CIA asset.
There are those within the freedom demographic however, who may not yet realise the level of deception and subversion which operates at all levels of the political game, and which is being actively employed against them by intelligence agencies and law enforcement.
Of course, these techniques are nothing new, and circa 2010 a scandal broke in the United Kingdom after undercover police officers working for the National Public Order Intelligence Unit were found to be having sexual relations with women of the groups they had been tasked with infiltrating.
During the scandal, eight of these women brought legal action against the Metropolitan Police for the emotional harm caused as a result of the liaisons with the undercover officers, which had taken place in full knowledge of their superiors.
Meanwhile, here in New Zealand, Rob Gilchrist was a police informant who spent a decade embedded within groups such as Greenpeace, where he fed intelligence to the Special Investigation Group of the New Zealand Police, which was based out of Christchurch, before being discovered in the course of romantic liaisons within the target group.
Allegations have also been levied against the MAGA movement, by those who believe that the Trump presidency is a controlled opposition movement and that the slogan associated with Q to “trust the plan” is confirmation that MAGA loyalists have been effectively neutralised by false hope in a political Messiah, who is intended to soak up and dampen the patriotic resistance.
After all, questions still remain regarding several issues, such as the selection of several individuals as part of the incoming Trump administration, who appear to have loyalties to the genocidal Zionist regime in the Middle East, as well as funding for the Trump campaign from Israeli lobbyists.
Meanwhile, those who still stand by the Q initiative, however, insist that these intelligence drops stimulated independent research into issues regarding deep state corruption, rather than feeding a narrative or telling people what to think.
Anons have also claimed that the project was initiated by a patriotic source, rather than a hostile one, and was intended to bolster the grassroots resistance, particularly in the propaganda field, unlike Operation Trust, which sought to dampen resistance efforts.
Regardless of the situation, however, there are those whose awakening began long before the MAGA movement, and there are also those who are actively resisting the globalist agenda, without necessarily supporting the Trump presidency.
Ultimately, however, in order to avoid the same mistakes that Russian resistance efforts suffered against the Bolsheviks during the rise of communism in Eastern Europe, we must overcome the saviour complex, engage our independent thinking capabilities and be brave enough to speak against the crowd when we feel that something is not right.
Regardless of whether or not ‘trust the plan’ turns out to be another ‘Operation Trust’, we must be prepared for either case and remember that our goal is not to fawn over political personalities as if they were pseudo-religious icons, but to hold corruption accountable on all sides, including our own.
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