Institutional Imperative on What You Believe
by Eric L. Prentis, Ph.D.
Fake News and Lies—promoted by the US and European mainstream media; US politicians; unelected European Union (EU) politicians; political leaders of the European countries; the United Nations (UN); the Davos Group: World Economic Forum (WEF); the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the CIA; the DOJ and FBI; and the Technology Globalist Enablers using censorship—are all devastating to the democratic body politic and are ruining people’s lives, apparently on purpose.
Supporting this assertion is President Biden and the WEF’s slogan of “Build Back Better,” which assumes Western Civilization must first be collapsed and then destroyed. The WEF names this destruction progression the “Great Reset,” necessary before “rebuilding society back to the WEF’s liking.” That includes a drastically reduced world population, by as much as 90%, and achieving “AI Transhumanism,” using technology to radically extend life by engineering immortality and to control the evolution of human beings. Astonishingly, “Satanist Globalist Eugenicists’ Elites” have the hubris to believe they are “God.” Pure-evil Globalist predators, cold-bloodedly, consider the rest of us to be “Useless Eaters,” and therefore, EXPENDABLE!
Society cannot advance based on lies, only “TRUTH” fosters improved living conditions for all. Satan’s disciples use a “Policy of Lies: Both Large and Small” to achieve their “nefarious destructive ends.” One of The Globalists’ Big Lies: Turning the world’s economy upside down because, they incorrectly say, “Humans Have Caused a Climate Change Crisis,” and therefore, the world needs to “Go Green” and achieve “Net Zero Emissions.” Only the ignorant believe this supreme madness and are willing to follow corrupt politicians and unethical climate scientists who advocate for such nonsense. The reason that unprincipled climate scientists support the false climate change narrative is because they are on a gravy train—being paid an enormous amount of money by government agencies that award directed research grants—thereby adding support to the false climate change consensus.
FACT: “Climate Change” is caused by solar activity and the moon—and has nothing to do with higher carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere (the so-called “carbon footprint”) and has nothing to do with what mankind is doing here on earth (Piers Corbyn – physicist, meteorologist, and Founder of Weather Action).
God/Jesus Christ—in his supreme wisdom—realizes “TRUTH” is essential for his followers to cherish, both spiritually and practically. The twenty-seven great creative achievements, made for the benefit of humankind, over the past 575 years, have come about in western countries, which are traditionally Christian countries. None of the following twenty-seven amazing inventions, religious, political, medical, and cultural momentous advances over the past 575 years, for the benefit of humankind, could have happened without the Christian value of “TRUTH,” which God/Jesus Christ brings to earth and teaches the importance of to his followers.
Inventions, Religious, Political, Medical, and Cultural Momentous Advances Over the Past 575
1) Johannes Gutenberg, from Mainz, Germany, is an inventor, printer, and publisher, who designs and produces the Gutenberg Printing Press, in 1450 AD, which then results in the Printing Revolution. Gutenberg develops a “hand mould,” to make rapid and precise mechanical movable-type, which is then coupled with a screw printing press.
Scribes produce expensive handmade books in monasteries. Thus, only the wealthiest could afford books. Mass production makes books more affordable. The spread of innovative ideas, made possible by the Gutenberg Printing Press, allows for mass communication to the public that changes the world for the better.
The Gutenberg Printing Press is the most important invention since the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and will remain the most important invention for the next three hundred years. Johannes Gutenberg’s movable-type technology is used to print words mechanically for the next five hundred years. This is a phenomenal accomplishment—triggering the first media revolution that is the forerunner to the forthcoming Modern Age.
2) The Renaissance starts in Florence, Italy, and lasts from the 15th through 16th centuries. The Renaissance is an enthusiastic reawakening of artistic, political, economic, and cultural developments, following the Middle Ages, also called the “Dark Ages,” which lasts from the fall of Rome in 476 AD through to the 14th century.
The “Dark Ages” are a time of:
- Political instability and bloody turmoil—a time of volatile and
unpredictable political alliances, with coups and countercoups. - Ignorance—few people are literate.
- Starvation —the Great Famine of 1315-to-1317 kills between
30-percent to 60-percent of the European population. - Pandemics—the Black Death bubonic plague, occurring from
1346-to-1353, kills around seventy-five million to two-hundred million
people in Eurasia and North Africa.
The 14th century is so devastating, it shocks people into transforming the social and economic structure of society. The Renaissance is one such result, it prompts the rediscovery of classical art, philosophy, literature, and scientific exploration.
The leaders of the Renaissance include Michelangelo, who is an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet; Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, engineer, scientist, sculptor, and architect; and Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer, who invents the first modern telescope and is hailed as the “Father of Modern Science.”
3) Martin Luther, a German professor of theology and priest, helps bring about the Protestant Reformation, by posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517 AD. By doing so, he challenges the Roman Catholic Church’s power, corruption, nepotism, and the effectiveness of paper indulgences.
Pope Leo X encourages the sale of paper indulgences by priests—which gives buyers forgiveness for their sins. However, Luther insists that only God’s mercy can absolve sins, not money paid by sinners for paper indulgences.
Martin Luther challenges the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings by saying, “Salvation can only be attained by faith and the grace God—not by good works, sacraments or indulgences—and only the written word of God is the way to God.” Luther goes on to say the Holy Bible should be the sole source of spiritual authority, not religious tradition, as decided by the Roman Catholic Church and preached by Catholic Church priests.
Against the Vatican’s dictates, Martin Luther courageously translates the Holy Bible into German. The New Testament is first published in 1522, selling 100,000 copies by 1525, which is the first best seller in German history. Martin Luther publishes the complete Holy Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments with the Apocrypha, in 1534. Martin Luther uses the communication power of the Johannes Gutenberg printing press in Wittenberg, Germany to publicize his latest ideas with pamphlets, posters, fliers, and satirical cartoons. The Protestant Reformation changes history, when German speaking lands eventually declare their independence from the Catholic Church in Rome.
In 1533, King Henry VIII splits from the Roman Catholic Church, making England a Protestant country during the English Reformation. William Tyndale, from 1522-1536, works directly from Hebrew and Greek texts, to write the Holy Bible in English. Tyndale’s Holy Bible English translations are condemned by the Catholic Church. Consequently, Tyndale is defrocked, convicted of heresy, and, in 1536, he is burned at the stake for wanting to bring God’s word directly to the people. King Henry VIII initially authorizes an English Holy Bible edition, in 1539, to be read aloud during Church of England services.
Martin Luther encourages Protestants to learn to read, so they can read the Holy Bible themselves. Thereby having an unrestricted relation with God, without any intermediary. No longer is there an arbitrator between God and humankind, neither the Pope nor priests of the Roman Catholic Church. Now, everyone can quote scripture and discuss its meaning, a practice once reserved solely for priests, until Luther’s intervention.
John Calvin is an influential Protestant pastor and reformer in Geneva, Switzerland, during the Protestant Reformation. Calvinist ideas on fate or predestination serve as the foundation teachings of the Pilgrims who help set up the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in America, so they can freely practice their Protestant Puritan religion.
Protestants believe in God’s fate for eternal salvation for them, not because of their good works while here on earth, as preached by the Roman Catholic Church. One way in which Protestants can show that God has already predestined them to be in heaven, is if God smiles on them while they are here on earth. Therefore, the worldly success of Protestants can be interpreted as God’s sign of the reassurance of their eternal salvation in heaven. Luther says that Protestants’ thrift and performing challenging work are their duty, and the results will benefit not only the individual but also society. Protestants now have access to an advanced education for the time (that is, they can read), and are religiously instilled with the Protestant Work Ethic— consisting of challenging work, efficiency in one’s work, and thrift in one’s affairs. This, as we shall see, is a formula for awe-inspiring societal advancement, started by God/Jesus Christ, who brings truth to his followers.
4) United States Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) and Constitution of the United States (June 21, 1788), chiefly written by James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin— Americans all, U.S. Presidents, a U.S. Commanding General, U.S. Statesman and Diplomat, and Founding Fathers of the United States of America. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
Common Sense (1775-1776) by Thomas Paine, an Englishman, uses moral and political reasoning to recommend persuasively for the independence of the United States from Great Britain. This passage from his pamphlet arouses Americans for independence, “Of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived.” Common Sense sells over 500,000 copies and Paine donates the royalties to U.S. Commanding General George Washington’s Army, helping fund America’s fight for independence. Perhaps Paine’s most famous quote is, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
The U.S. Constitution is historically the most important contract ever, between a government and its people, by shielding Americans against the corrupting power of the U.S. government. Up to this point, governments around the world have been a scourge to humankind. As Thomas Paine says, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.”
U.S. Federal and State Governments consist of three branches: Legislative (making laws in the Senate and House of Representatives); Judicial (Courts: Judges and lawyers deciding what laws signify in real-life situations, and whether laws are legal (that is, consistent with the highest U.S. law: the U.S. Constitution); and Executive (President, Vice President, Governors, Mayors, Cabinet Members, and Independent Agencies that administer and enforce the laws). The U.S. government’s three branches ensure the government’s Separation of Powers that safeguard and protect U.S. citizens’ individual rights through checks and balances, included in the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, called the Bill of Rights. The U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights guarantees rights to individual citizens, the most important of which is the Freedom of Speech, discussed next:
A) Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right guaranteed to Americans, at the United States’ beginning. Freedom of speech is the right of citizens to express their ideas, opinions, and beliefs—solely as they choose. Allow censorship, for any reason, and thereby lose our freedom of speech protection, and we will eventually lose our right to live in the U.S. as freedom-loving citizens and free human beings.
“Without an unfettered press, without liberty of speech, all the outward forms and structures of free institutions are a sham, a pretense – the sheerest mockery. If the press is not free; if speech is not independent and untrammeled; if the mind is shackled or made impotent through fear, it makes no difference under what form of government you live, you are a subject and not a citizen.” – William Edgar Borah – U.S. Republican Senator from Idaho, from 1907 – 1940.
“Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.” – British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
You may have heard this before, but I cannot overemphasize this: Freedom of Speech is a supreme right for U.S. citizens; never let it be trampled or infringed upon for any reason. “The truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. This is the best approach to freedom of speech, “I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” – Evelyn Beatrice Hall in The Friends of Voltaire. Those who employ censorship, for any supposed cause, are by definition—EVIL. “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – U.S. Commanding General and First U.S. President George Washington.
B) The Right to Bear Arms
Lose the right to own firearms and the government will eventually use its vast power to unjustly control its own people by violent means.
C) Prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment, and compelled self-incrimination
Lose these protective rights and the government can intimidate the people to do anything it wants.
D) The Right to Trial by Jury
Lose this legal protection and the government can easily pass laws and imprison anyone the government thinks necessary.
E) Powers not granted to the Federal Government in the U.S. Constitution belong to States or the People
Lose this right and people cannot vote with their feet and leave an inhospitable living environment.
All ten amendments in the Bill of Rights are essential, and a major reason the United States of America is so successful. In fact, the Constitution of the United States inspires similar documents in countries around the world.
5) James Watt is a Scottish inventor who develops a commercially practical steam engine, in 1781, using a separate condenser, which tremendously increases its efficiency, power and cost-effectiveness. This coupled with the means to turn linear motion of the steam engine into rotary motion, revolutionizes the technology of steam engines.
The Industrial Revolution brings in the change-over to new manufacturing production methods, in Great Britain and the U.S., which relies heavily on steam engine power. The textile industry, roads, canals, railroads, and oceangoing ships, used to transport the newly produced manufactured goods, are upgraded during the Industrial Revolution.
6) The textile industry benefits from Watt’s steam engine, with the development of the power loom, that weaves thread into cloth—designed and built in 1786 by Edmund Cartwright, an English inventor educated at Oxford. James Hargreaves, an English weaver and inventor, lives in Lancashire, England, and is credited with inventing the spinning jenny.
In 1779, Samuel Crompton, an English inventor, combines the spinning jenny and the water frame to create the spinning mule, which efficiently spins fibers into thread or yarn—and is then used by the power loom to make cloth for clothes— thereby significantly reducing prices. This efficient combination of the power loom and the spinning mule revolutionize the world’s textile industry.
7) Eli Whitney, a U.S. born inventor and graduate from Yale, patents the mechanical cotton gin, in 1794. Thereby, markedly simplifying by quickly and easily separating sticky cottonseeds from the soft cotton fibers.
The textile industry in New England and the United Kingdom use cotton fibers to produce cotton goods such as calico, and undamaged cotton is used to make cotton clothing. The set-apart cottonseeds may be used to plant more cotton plants, or to produce cottonseed oil.
Before Whitney’s invention, separating cottonseeds from cotton fibers is a labor intensive and unprofitable. Whitney’s mechanical cotton gin transforms cotton farming, making it profitable. In the U.S., the growth of raw cotton, rolled into dense cotton bales weighing five hundred pounds each, increases by 875%, in just ten years.
8) George Stephenson, an English engineer—celebrated as the “Father of Railways”—builds a steam railroad locomotive called the “Rocket” in 1829 and wins the Rainhill Trials. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway, built in 1830, is the first railroad that solely uses steam powered locomotives.
9) Samuel F. B. Morse, an American inventor, and painter, develops the electric telegraph, and in 1838, with Alfred Vail, an American machinist and inventor, develops Morse Code.
Western Union, founded by American Ezra Cornell, changes U.S. history when the telegraph connects both sides of the U.S. continent with the first transcontinental telegraph line, in 1861. Thereby being the first company to supply instantaneous communications between the east and west coasts of the United States.
10) Isambard Kingdom Brunel, an innovative and productive English civil engineer, designs the longest passenger, trans-Atlantic steamship, SS Great Britain, which is the first screw-propeller-driven, iron-steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean—steaming from Bristol to New York City, in 1845, taking 14 days.
11) Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish-born, American scientist and engineer, invents and patents, in the United States, the first practical telephone, in 1876. Bell also co-founds the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885. Bell and his partners offer to sell the telephone patent to Western Union (WU) for $100,000, but the WU president refuses, thinking the telephone is nothing more than a toy. The rest is history. Government, business, and private residential telephones transform telecommunications, allowing for real-time two-way communications.
12) Thomas Alva Edison is the world’s greatest inventor. Edison is such a superior talent and gives the world so many fantastic inventions, that he is counted twice in this list. Edison’s Menlo Park, New Jersey laboratory, in 1879, builds the first high-resistance, incandescent electric lightbulb, which is the technological advancement that signals the beginning of the Modern Era.
Within three years, Edison opens the first commercial electric power plant, in New York City, to supply direct current (DC) electricity for electric lighting to homes and businesses. Today DC electricity powers smartphones, portable computers, LEDs to supply light, solar cells, and electric cars.
13) Edison is an American genius, who is known as the Wizard of Menlo Park, and develops the first industrial research laboratory; thereby attaining a world-record 1,093 U.S. patents.
Edison’s added remarkable pioneering inventions include: the first electrical grid dynamo technology for producing and delivering electricity to customers; the phonograph player; the movie camera able to take motion pictures on a moving piece of film; the alkaline storage battery; the automatic telegraph; a carbon telephone transmitter; fluoroscope; auto-graphic printer; magnetic iron ore separator; and an electrode-graphic vote recorder.
Edison’s awe-inspiring inventions are a phenomenal accomplishment. Even moreso because he grows up as a poor American boy with little formal education and is almost deaf because of contracting scarlet fever at fourteen years old. Also, while a young man working for the railroad in an entry-level position—Edison has his ears boxed for a minor infraction, by a vicious train conductor, resulting in further hearing loss.
Thomas Alva Edison praises hard work. When he is called a genius, Edison responds, that for him, “Being a genius is one percent inspiration and ninetynine percent perspiration.”
14) Karl Benz, in 1886, in Germany, patents the first gasoline-powered, internal combustion automobile engine. In 1888, Benz produces the first modern car. Henry Ford, President of the Ford Motor Company, U.S.A, manufactures the low-cost, dependable, and durable Model T car, in 1908, the first automobile mass-produced on a moving assembly line. The Model T, economically transforms powered transport, supplying flexibility in travel for individuals.
15) Nikola Tesla, born in the Austrian Empire, is an American inventor and engineer, best known for his work on alternating current (AC) electricity. He immigrates to America in 1884 and becomes a U.S. citizen in 1891. Tesla patents his AC electrical induction motor in the U.S. in 1888, and then licenses it to George Westinghouse Jr., an American entrepreneur, engineer, and founder of Westinghouse Electric Company.
The Tesla AC electrical induction motor becomes the cornerstone of the U.S. three-phase, AC electrical system. In 1893, Westinghouse wins the contract for lighting the World’s Columbian Exposition and for developing the Niagara Falls AC generators. AC is now the industry standard for delivering and using electricity in the U.S.—ushering in all the wonderful electrical appliances we rely on today.
The most significant benefit of AC electricity is that it has removed the widespread need for privies and chamber pots, with their foul odor and inconvenience. A huge leap forward for civilization is the arrival of indoor plumbing—that improves people’s hygiene and reduces disease—with flushing toilets, hot water showers and tubs, and sinks for washing hands and dishes. Indoor plumbing needs AC electric motor water pumps at various stages in the system.
Appliances in our homes and businesses today need AC electricity. Including: lighting, refrigerators, air conditioning, clothes washers and dryers, stoves, water heaters, coffeemakers, blenders, elevators, escalators, fans, radio, television, dishwashers, computers, and microwaves. AC electricity is a wonder-of-wonders that greatly elevates mankind’s living standards and quality of life.
16) Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor, and engineer is a businessman and founder of The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company in Great Britain. Marconi receives a British patent for the radio in 1897, and the radio begins commercial use about 1900. The radio is an adaptive technology, still important today, with 93 percent of U.S. adults listening to the radio weekly.
17) The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, American printers, editors, publishers, bicycle designers and builders—design, build and fly the first power-driven, heavier-than-air airplane to achieve controlled continual flight, with a pilot onboard. Wilbur and Orville fly the “Wright Flyer I” on four separate takeoffs and landings, on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. That day, Wilbur flies the longest flight, covering 852 feet, or 2.8 football fields, lasting 59 seconds. The airplane is a transport major milestone that connects nations and shrinks the time necessary to travel the world’s long distances.
18) In 1929, Philo Farnsworth, an American inventor and television (TV) pioneer, develops and files U.S. patents for the first fully electronic television—by showing the transmission of the first live human images. The TV becomes a popular medium worldwide because it has both moving pictures and sound to entertain viewers—and is also compact enough to enter the home.
19) Bell Labs, U.S.A., invents the transistor by William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, all American physicists, on December 16, 1947. The transistor becomes the most important invention of the 20th century because it is the behind-the-scenes essential part for our modern-day society. The transistor positively affects finance, transportation, communications, computers, manufacturing, and the government. The transistor improves productivity and doubles the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—from what it would have been without transistors.
Gordon Moore’s 1965 Law states, “The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years.” Moore’s Law continues to hold true today and is used by the semiconductor industry for research and development—and for long-term planning; thereby raising productivity and economic growth.
The transistor makes up the central processing unit (CPU) integrated circuit, also called a single-chip microprocessor or computer chip, which is the core component responsible for processing and then carrying out instructions. Today, the CPU is composed of billions of microscopic transistors onto a single computer chip. The transistor begins the Digital Revolution.
Modern society cannot work properly without computer chips. Automobiles, hospital equipment, semi-tractor-trailer trucks, farming machinery, military weapons, home appliances, airplanes, smartphones, ships and about every single electronic appliance that connects directly to the Internet depends on semiconductors.
Large American corporations, and U.S. federal politicians have, over the past four decades, hollowed out U.S. manufacturing and outsourced the semiconductor industry to Asia, and unfortunately, to Communist China. Because of the semiconductor shortage, the U.S. economy is experiencing supply chain disruptions, severe consumer product shortages, a one-sided surrender of U.S. national security, and a remarkably high U.S. economy inflation rate, in 2021 and 2022, with more inflation expected in 2023.
20) Altair, released in January 1975, is designed by Ed Roberts and Bill Yates, at Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS), an American electronics company. Altair is the first personal computer to use an Intel 8080 CPU microprocessor and the Altair BASIC programming language in its design.
The MITS microcomputer is the Altair 8800, and comes with an eight-inch floppy disk, read-write data storage. The Altair 8800 personal computer is sold by mailorder, is commercially successful and is commonly accepted to be responsible for ushering in the microcomputer revolution. Microcomputers are now essential for communication and knowledge and increase work efficiency.
21) Vinton Gray Cerf and Bob Kahn, American computer scientists and engineers, are the “Fathers of the Internet” for being the first to propose the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), fundamental communication procedures that form the basis of the Internet that connects computers worldwide.
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, an English computer scientist, collaborates with Robert Cailliau, a Belgian computer scientist and engineer, to design the World Wide Web (WWW) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is the standard language to create web pages and applications for the Internet. By specifying the website’s location, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), allows it to be accessed on the WWW.
The Internet becomes operational on August 6, 1991 and is fundamentally transforming our world. By using a personal computer or smartphone we can quickly find website information online using search engines, easily communicate with everyone worldwide by email or smartphone apps, receive payment over the Internet, manage our finances, work, or shop from home or anywhere else, listen to music, watch movies or videos, and use social networking websites. The convenience of the Internet is remarkable, and the Internet is still in its infancy.
22) Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., American industrial designer of product development at Apple—makes the iPhone smartphone an enormous success by designing a smartphone with features that consumers want, such as a touch screen with an electronic keyboard, and then producing the iPhone at the right price. In doing so, he creates a mass consumer market for the Apple iPhone.
The first iPhone is released on June 29, 2007. A year later, Apple launches its mobile applications (apps) App Store, which encourages independent developers to produce iPhone software for apps—that, in turn, allows users to find, buy and install their favorite apps, to increase the iPhone’s functionality. Third-party apps, available at Apple’s App Store, tremendously increases the demand for iPhones.
How is it possible that Steve Jobs and Apple make the iPhone so successful? Steve Jobs offers this insight:
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Wonder Drugs and Vaccines
Wonder drugs and vaccines are saving millions of lives worldwide. The top five most important wonder drugs and vaccines are:
1) Antibiotics—Alexander Fleming, a Scottish doctor and microbiologist, in 1928, discovers the first broadly effective antibiotic, called penicillin. Today, about one hundred different antibiotics fight bacterial infections. Thanks to antibiotics, about two-hundred million lives are saved. Also, antibiotics add 5-10 years to life expectancy at birth.
2) Smallpox vaccine—In 1796, Edward Jenner, an English doctor notices that milkmaids who contract the milder cowpox virus are immune to the deadly smallpox virus. The cowpox serves as a natural vaccine, the first vaccine ever developed, to guard against a contagious disease, until a modern smallpox vaccine appears in the 20th century. Through a worldwide smallpox vaccination drive, from 1958-to-1977, the disease is eradicated.
Smallpox is an infectious disease that has been a lethal scourge on the human population for 10,000 years. During the 20th century, smallpox is estimated to have killed 300-million-to-500 million people. Seven out of ten people are fortunate to survive smallpox, but their skin is permanently disfigured with ugly pockmarks, especially on their face. Also, smallpox causes a third of all blindness.
3) Polio vaccine—Jonas Edward Salk, an American virologist and medical researcher, develops the first successful polio vaccine available in the United States, in 1955. The U.S. has been polio-free since 1979. Polio causes paralysis and death throughout human history.
During the 20th century, major recurring Polio epidemics happen in Europe and the U.S. In the 1940s and 1950s, Polio paralyzes or kills over half-amillion people each year. The most famous U.S. citizen to have Polio is President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who is permanently paralyzed from the waist down, at the age of thirty-nine.
4) Aspirin—Felix Hoffman, a German chemist, invents aspirin in 1897, when working for Bayer AG, a German pharmaceutical corporation. Aspirin reduces fevers, relieves pain from common colds and headaches, and is an antiinflammatory that decreases swelling because of arthritis. Daily low doses of Aspirin can lower cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes.
5) Hydrocortisone—Edward Calvin Kendall, an American chemist, discovers Compound E, renamed Hydrocortisone, patented in 1936 and approved for medical application in 1941. Hydrocortisone is a steroid used to treat:
- Skin conditions (that is, eczema and contact dermatitis, psoriasis, prickly heat rash, reactions to insect bites and stings, and nappy rash), with treatment in ointment or lotion form.
- Piles (hemorrhoids), with treatment in ointment or suppository form.
- Mouth ulcers, with treatment in tablet form.
- Painful joints, with treatment by injection.
- Adrenal gland conditions, with treatment in tablet form.
Do not take these momentous inventions and discoveries in the fields of science, technology, religion, politics, medicine, and cultural advances for granted, for they have vastly improved our standard of living and overall quality of life. These great visionaries and inventors deserve our sincerest respect, adoration, and admiration.
Men Who Have Contributed So Much to Human Advancement Over the Past 575 Years
Every man who has contributed immensely to human advancement over the past 575 years uses their intelligence, skill, determination, and free will to create something “Godlike.” Being creative is challenging, and usually the inventors dedicated their entire lives to work on subjects they were enthusiastic about. Nicola Tesla sums it up this way:
Invention is the most important product of man’s creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world. The harnessing of human nature to human needs.
Society is the beneficiary of these great men!
Table 1 summarizes the forty-five men who have been instrumental in creating the twenty-seven inventions, religious, political, medical, and cultural momentous advances that have made valuable contributions to human and society’s advancement over the past 575 years. The number of men from each country is listed, and their matching percentages are shown below.
Table 1: Men Who Have Contributed So Much to Human Advancement Over the Past 575 Years | |||
Country | Number of Men | Percentage of Men | Percentage of Men |
United States of America | 26 | 58% | 87% Men From Traditionally Protestant Countries |
Great Britain | 9 | 20% | |
Germany | 4 | 9% | |
Italy | 4 | 9% | 13% Men From Traditionally Roman Catholic Countries |
Switzerland | 1 | 2% | |
Belgium | 1 | 2% | |
Totals | 45 | 100% | 100% Traditional Christian Country |
Men Are from Traditionally Christian Countries—Particularly Protestant Countries
Please notice that all forty-five men who made momentous contributions to society are from traditionally Christian western countries. And 87 percent of the men who have made a momentous positive difference in society are from traditionally Protestant countries: —that is: the United States, Great Britain, and Germany.
I believe the moral characteristics, cultural traditions, and attitudes in the societies of these 100% traditionally Christian countries and 87% traditionally Protestant countries, play an overwhelming role in why these men succeeded so spectacularly.
Christian “TRUTH” is essential for significantly improving mankind’s living standards and quality of life, which is a precious gift from God/Jesus Christ.
Major Religions, Populations and Percentages, and Eighteen Percent of the World’s Population—from Traditionally Christian Countries—Produce One Hundred Percent of the Momentous Inventions
Major Religions, Populations and Percentages
Approximate numbers and percentages of the major different religion populations and percentages are listed in Table 2:
Table 2: Major Religions, Populations and Percentages | |||
Religion | Population | Percentage | Percent Human Advancement |
Protestant Christians | 1.0 billion | 13% | 18% Traditionally Western Christian Countries Contributing All the Inventions and Advances |
Roman Catholic Christians in U.S.A., Europe, Canada, and Australia | 0.4 billion | 5% | |
Roman Catholic Christians in Latin | 0.8 billion | 10% | |
America and Africa | |||
Eastern Orthodox Christians | 0.22 billion | 3% | |
Muslims | 1.8 billion | 24% | 69% Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Atheists and Other Countries Not Contributing Any Inventions or Advances |
Hindus | 1.2 billion | 16% | |
Jews | 0.15 billion | 2% | |
Atheists Communist China & North Korea** | 1.7 billion | 22% | |
Other | 0.4 billion | 5% | |
Total Population | 7.67 billion | 100% |
** The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is officially atheist. The CCP controls China and the CCP Government is cracking down on religion in China. North Korea is irreligious.
Eighteen Percent of the World’s Population—from Traditionally Christian Countries—Produce One Hundred Percent of the Momentous Inventions
Table 2 shows that around 18 percent of the world population, all from traditionally western Christian countries in Europe and the United States, create 100 percent of the momentous inventions, religious, political, medical, and cultural advances over the past 575 years that have so improved the world’s standard-of – living and quality of life.
However, 87 percent of the men changing the world are from 13 percent of the world population, from traditionally western Protestant countries of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany.
Why haven’t traditionally Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist or Other Countries, which represent 69 percent of the world’s population, made any major contributions to my list over the past 575 years?
The answer is “TRUTH.” God came to earth in the flesh, in the form of Jesus Christ, and brought truth to his followers. Without “TRUTH,” none of the momentous advancements listed here are possible.
Let us look at how other religions treat the “TRUTH.”
How Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and Atheists Treat the “TRUTH,” and Conclusion
Muslim Religion
The Quran commands Muslims to tell the truth to other Muslims. However, the “Taqiyya,” a part of the Sharia (Islamic law), and the “Hadith”—which is a record of the sacred traditions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad—is a central text of Islam and revered as a major source of Islamic law and moral guidance. The “Taqiyya” allows, and even encourages, Muslims to lie to nonMuslims, to achieve their goals. Besides, Islamic religious laws are based on oral traditions, and in practice, oral traditions can override Islamic written laws.
Culturally, Muslims, as they live their daily lives, consider lying to be a praiseworthy skill—and believe a good liar is a savvy individual who merits esteem, and a bad liar is a fool who deserves contempt. Therefore, Muslims may lie to non-Muslims, without religious or moral restrictions, and culturally, prize a good liar.
The Quran, Chapter 9, verse 5 says, “And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free.” In this context “idolaters” is used to specify all non-Muslims, especially Hindus. Muslims are required to donate a certain proportion of their wealth each year to charitable causes, this is called “Zakat.” The Salah is the second of the Five Pillars of Islam and the belief that Muslims should “observe Prayer” and pray five times a day to Allah, facing towards Mecca. On the face of this direct quote from the Quran, Muslims have the right to kill non-Muslims, unless idolaters repent their non-Muslim religion and act like Muslims. A great deal of effort has gone into explaining away this quote in the Quran, based on context and history, by assuming this quote only applies to those tribes who continued hostilities against Muslims. However, Muslim young-or-misguided first-time-readers of the Quran are aware of no mitigating context and may believe, based on Chapter 9, verse 5, he or she is entitled to kill non-Muslims.
The Quran specifies that non-Muslims (called dhimmis), permanently living in a state governed by Islamic law—must pay additional per capita yearly taxation, called a “Jizya” tax, for the privilege of living in a Muslim country without being Muslim. Thus, in the Quran, Christians, Jews, and Hindus are monetarily discriminated against based on their religion.
Hinduism is not a religion in the traditional sense of the word. Hinduism is more a way of life—a synthesis of myriad Indian cultures and traditions. Hinduism encompasses a diverse range of spirituality and customs, but has no ecclesiastical instructions, no indisputable religious authorities, no governing body, no prophet(s), nor any compulsory holy book.
When it comes to the truth, Hinduism has various conditions, and truth is subjective. Hindus should never tell a harsh truth that is upsetting or causes an affront to another person. Hindus view of the truth—even that of a Hindu Guru, who holds superior authority—is conditional on age, gender, time, state of awareness, social and geographic location, and phase of religious fulfillment. Hindus believe that lying or telling the truth is all relative, it is according to one’s viewpoint. Hindus, in practice, may lie to anyone without any religious, moral, or cultural restrictions.
Jewish Religion
Jesus Christ criticizes the Jewish Pharisees, saying the Jewish Pharisees are children of the devil, despicable liars, hypocrites, religious bigots—too selfrighteous to help a non-Jew—adulterers, an adulterous generation, murderers from the beginning—and rebukes the Jewish Pharisees for putting their man-made Jewish oral traditions over the word of God.
The Jewish Pharisees find fault with Jesus Christ because Jesus did not follow the Jewish customs when eating, when talking with people Jews considered sinners, and by keeping company with Roman collectors of taxes from the Jews, called publicans, who the Jews shunned. The Jewish Pharisees are offended when Jesus overturns the tables of the moneychangers and expels buyers and sellers from the Jewish temple. The Jewish Pharisees turn against Jesus Christ, when Jesus claims to be the Son of God and performs miracles—including the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead and walking on water across the Sea of Galilee.
Caiaphas, the Sadducee’s Jewish high priest, Jewish chief priests, and Jewish Pharisees put Jesus Christ on trial before the Jewish high court, called the Sanhedrin, which condemns Jesus to death for blasphemy, for claiming to be the Son of God and the King of the Jews. The Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, after reviewing the Jewish case against Jesus Christ, declares Jesus innocent and orders his release. The Jewish Sadducees and Pharisees politically pressure the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, and loudly demand the Romans carry out the death sentence handed down by the Jewish high court. The Jewish Sadducees, Pharisees and the Jewish crowd in Jerusalem are all answerable for— and willingly take responsibility for—Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, saying: Matthew 27:25 “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.” After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the priestly Sadducees cease to exist, in 70 AD, corresponding with the destruction by the Romans of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Consequently, the Jewish Pharisees take control of the Jewish religion, and write the Babylonian Talmud, the written form of Jewish Pharisees’ oral tradition.
In the Jewish Religion, the Babylonian Talmud is the central text of Judaism and is the main source of Jewish religious law. Jews must tell the truth to other Jews, although eight types of “white lies,” used by Jews while communicating with fellow Jews, are allowed.
“Seder Nezikin-Baba Kamma” is the first of a series of three Talmudic tractates that addresses civil matters, such as compensation for damages and torts. Baba Kamma 113a says Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to evade a gentile. A gentile is a Hebrew and Jewish word that means a non-Jewish person from a non-Jewish nation, especially used to describe Christians. Therefore, Jews may use “white lies” with their fellow Jews and lie to non-Jews, and especially to Christians, without any religious, moral, or cultural restrictions.
Definition of gentile from the Jewish Encyclopedia: Only Israelites are men. Gentiles are not as men, but barbarians. Since gentiles are not men, but barbarians, the gentile is not a neighbor of a Jew, and always beneath the Jew. Also, Jews are not bound by laws made by gentiles. Gentiles have as little legal rights in a Jewish count as an animal, none.
The Babylonian Talmud is written by Jewish Pharisees, who condemned Jesus Christ to death for blasphemy, for claiming to be the Son of God and the King of the Jews. Today, the writings in the Babylonian Talmud are the focus of Jewish culture and the basis of all Jewish thought and desires—functioning as the guide for Jewish daily life. Consequently, Judaism is regulated by the teachings of the Jewish Pharisees’ Babylonian Talmud, which codified many new Jewish laws, and is now the primary source of Jewish religious law—and is the central religious text of rabbinic Judaism. Consequently, rabbis in the synagogues are teaching the writings of the Jewish Pharisee Babylonian Talmud. Incredibly, Jews may believe and perform the following reprehensible acts against children, gentiles, and other non-Jews—with the approval of rabbinic Judaism.
Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b. Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
Jews Have Superior Legal Status
Baba Kamma 37b. If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full.
Jews May Steal from Non-Jews
Baba Mezia 24a. If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).
Jews May Kill and Rob Non-Jews
Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”
Jews May Lie to Non-Jews
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a gentile.
Jews May Cheat Non-Jews
Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work.
Permits Pedophilia
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three-year-old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child, as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing.”
Where a Jew Should Do Evil
Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
Penalty for Disobeying Rabbis
Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God
Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.
Rabbinic Supremacy Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.
Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
Genocide Advocated by the Talmud Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”). Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai, to honor this Jewish religious leader who advocates for the extermination of all non-Jews. (Jewish Press, June 9, 1989, p. 56B).
Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human
The Pharisees’ Babylonian Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. Based on the Talmud, Jews are not gentiles’ friends.
The Jewish Pharisees’ Babylonian Talmud directly supports Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s observation about the Jewish Character, “For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
Atheist Communism
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is officially atheist, the CCP controls China. North Korea is irreligious. A communist country has no moral limits against lying. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are expected to lie 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, every year, especially to the people in non-Chinese countries living outside China.
Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and atheist Communists are free to lie, and are even encouraged to lie, without cultural, religious or moral restrictions. As previously mentioned, the forty-five men who have changed the world for the better have come from western, traditionally Christian countries, and 87 percent from traditionally Protestant countries, that revere the “TRUTH of God/Jesus Christ,” who says:
John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
Without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ there is neither truth, nor mankind’s spiritual salvation or God’s grace, nor life everlasting. Without truth, civilized society is impossible, resulting in treachery against mankind—where evil ends, determined by the powerful—justify any unlawful or immoral means—all covered up with lies.
Unfortunately, the importance of the truth— mandatory for ethical and moral conduct—to a prosperous, non-corrupt, well-ordered society is often ignored, ridiculed, or even attacked. Where there is no truth, there is no trust, which is earned, not given. When people trust one another, there is faith that people will at least try to live-up to their promises and honor their commitments. Without trust, there is no faith in people.
Without truth there is no trust, “JUST POWER.” Truth and trust are the two cornerstones of civilization. Ludwig von Mises reminds us, “Without social trust, there is no society. Private property and the division of labor, the hallmarks of a civilization, arise out of cooperation.” The breakdown of trust results in non-cooperation between people, the failure of institutions, and the destruction of civilization. “No truth, no trust, no cooperation, no knowledge.”
Sad things happen to everyone in life. It is how we respond to our emergencies— decided by our self-discipline and character—that decides the eventual result, good or bad. Without truth and trust, a man or woman cannot properly develop a good character. Heraclitus says, “A man’s character is his destiny.” J. P. Morgan says, “Money equals business, which equals power—all of which come from character and trust.”
Truth and trust are necessary for societal progress. Without truth, trust is impossible. We do not want to be defrauded, but confidence is essential for any creative invention or business transaction. That confidence comes from the power of truth and trust. Without truth and trust, it is impossible to create significant inventions, conduct important business transactions, or grow commerce.
Unfortunately, the downside for young honest Christians is in assuming because they are honest, the people they are dealing with are also honest. This makes naïve honest Christians easy marks for Satan’s disciples and the dishonest, especially when the lies are coming from the government.
Beware the Globalists who are destroying Western Civilization to achieve their “Misguided Satanic Selfish Utopia,” by employing numerous Satanic Big Lies, such as “Climate Change.” Satanists and liars are only destroyers—they cannot create anything, except misery. Once the good people of America can see through the evil censorship to what is happening, they will lose trust in the government.
“Globalist Corrupt Politicians” want us to believe the “Age of Abundance Is Over,” when it is the corrupt politicians who are intentionally causing rampant inflation, the loss of energy to power the economy, the loss of food to feed the people and empty store shelves.
Vote this November as if your life depends upon it:
For more on this topic, please read: The Individual: How to be an Independent Thinker (2022) by Eric L. Prentis, Ph.D., which emphasizes the importance of Critical Thinking.
Leadership: A Case Study on the Importance of Ethics and Trust, (2016). Journal of Business, by Eric L. Prentis and Sunday E. Igoni, 01(02), p. 17-30.
Thursday - October 13, 2022 - International
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