by Mike Bee
Dear John,
Having written to you about the situation at New Zealand Loyal before and not receiving an answer, I’m now writing another email which I’ll make an open letter. I am hoping this action on my part will bring about a response from you which can be shared with all members of the party.
You are now (according to Liz, though not according to the will of the members of NZL who have not been consulted) the leader of the New Zealand Loyal’s People’s Movement that (again according only to Liz) has replaced the NZ Loyal Party. Many, many of us are against the actions of Liz as it so blatantly contravenes the rules set out in our Constitution. Liz’s reply to that was to make a single video in which she said, ““I don’t give a damn about the Constitution or the rules because the whole game is a setup.” She went on to say that, “We are freedom people and we threw out rules with Jacinda. We said, ‘I’m not following your rules.’”
Apart from this video she has not replied to those who disagree with what she has done.
Those rules that she feels justified in throwing out are the protection for all rank and file members of NZ Loyal that their will shall be honoured. NZ Loyal is not a party that follows the will of a few but one that expresses the will of the people, and all elected leaders serve that. It takes little thought to see that Liz has acted against the will of those members in doing what she has done without consulting them.
As you are the leader of the new New Zealand Loyal’s People’s Movement, it is surely up to you to engage with the great number of party members and make right the wrongs that we have so far experienced.
We have arranged, according to how this is outlined in our Constitution, to hold a Special General Meeting on Saturday 17th August. One of the main purposes of this meeting will be to hold a vote among members of the party as to whether we accept or reject Liz’s proposal for closure and deregistration of NZ Loyal as a political party. Will you attend this meeting? Will you engage with those who are organizing it before it takes place?
I personally can see no good coming of this long silence. Liz may have reasons why she can’t engage with members, but you are a free agent and can surely see what is best for the whole party – those who want NZ Loyal to continue as an instrument that can be used to contest in the political precess of the country and those who favour stepping away from that. As I wrote to you on 27th July, there need be no clash between these two different ways of working. You can lead your group and we, who want to have political possibilities open to us, can keep going on ours. I even told you I would like, myself, to be a member of both groups. That would be the win-win way to handle this present situation, whereas keeping things as a clash of views is simply a sign of how we are being played by the forces who work to divide and conquer. The longer you and the party secretary refuse all engagement with those of us who do not agree with Liz’s arbitrary action, the greater the harm that is being done to our movement.
The Special General Meeting can be a positive event for both groups and launch both in the direction they wish to go. Please consider this request and act as a real leader, no longer hiding away from those of us who care very much about our country and wish to act in the spirit of the party that we support.
I shall close by quoting Liz herself. I agree fundamentally with these words, spoken earlier this year, for they are the truth, whereas her later statement to go against them is a complete departure from all that I believe. Liz said:
“I know there are people who say, ‘Politics is not the answer,’ and yes, the game is rigged in that regard. However you are all still suffering under those politics and your lives are affected every day by those broken, corrupted politicians. So unless you are going to stop talking and tear down the system, it’s politics where you must reclaim your power and your control. The people’s power, not the globalists.”
And after pledging to call for an AGM in which we would elect our party leader and deputy leader and asking for our input as to how this should be conducted, she made this promise to us:
“And please remember always, you are ultimately in control of this Loyal party. This is and will always be your people’s Loyal movement.”
It is in that spirit that we are preparing for a very positive Special General Meeting on 17th August. Please give us your support by honouring us with your presence and listening to the thoughts and concerns of the members as they are expressed at that meeting.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Burton (Mike Bee)
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Tuesday - August 6, 2024 - Activism
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(119) - NZ Freedom Movement
(69) - NZ Government
(82) - Politics
(67) - Spiritual Warfare
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